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you can stop this card with a Heart of Light or a Prison Term
Posted By: phoenixcobra27 (8/12/2010 8:31:34 AM)


Pretty difficult to remove. Just a great card all-around! It would probably make the game pretty unenjoyable, but it's a great example of a card that's both useful and based on a neat idea.
Posted By: Notoriety (8/12/2010 8:57:39 PM)


This is killer! It can attack and block, and indestructible means it can block tramplers with any power. You can force your opponent to attack with his 15/15 using your one mana Incite or make him block with his twenty tokens (Lure, Nemesis Mask).
You can put Pariah or pariah's shield on it (what about multiple pariah's? does that do anything?)

Stuffy Doll + Pariah or Pariah's Shield + Incite

If you use pariah and one of those red things that double damage, it get's brutal. Let's say you get hit by a 4/4 creature. Stuffy doll takes 4 damage, but times two means 8 damage. It deals that much damage TIMES TWO to the enemy. Boom, 16 damage. Double damage doubles itself twice. That's FOUR times the damage.

Even nastier, if in addition to doubling the damage you give an enemy creature double strike (something like ... (see all)
Posted By: RedRapist (8/13/2010 5:53:09 AM)


This doll is totally emo. Too bad my lawn isn't emo...
Posted By: dberry02 (8/26/2010 2:35:32 AM)


Splinter because my friend likes to play with more than one in his deck.
Posted By: telero (10/8/2010 6:06:08 PM)


Play Pariah on Stuffy Doll, Donate Pariah to opponent. Use Stuffy Doll's tap effect.

1 damage goes to opponent as per Stuffy Doll's third effect.
1 damage goes to Stuffy Doll as per Pariah, which your opponent now controls.
1 damage given to Stuffy Doll from Pariah goes back to that opponents.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 ad nauseam.

Technically it creates an infinite loop and the game draws unless someone can break the loop (Naturalize Pariah, etc) but some buddies decided that Stuffy Doll is now CHARGING HIS LAZAR. We put a d20 on Stuffy Doll/Pariah to know how much damage was bouncing back and forth between those two cards, and increased that die for each additional damage that was bouncing around in limbo.

It was decided that, as soon as either Pariah or Stuffy Doll was removed from the battlefield, Stuffy Doll FIRED HIS LAZAR "BWAAAAAAAA!!!" and the correct player would take damage equal to the number ... (see all)
Posted By: MrBarrelRoll (1/24/2011 10:43:37 PM)


@ Badassfreakinoverlor: Stuffy doll does not prevent or redirect damage dealt to it, it only "copies" the amount of damage done to it and sends it to chosen player. It can get neg counters if you give it infect. Cleaver idea though. just pump up it's toughness.
Posted By: Penumbrae (3/1/2011 6:47:51 PM)


Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (6/26/2011 6:07:05 PM)


Had someone pull this on me, stuffy doll+pariah.

He forgot I had Inkmoth Nexus out. LOL.
Posted By: SniperJolly (7/16/2011 4:39:39 PM)


This taps for an effective 4 damage to any player with Furnace of Rath out, and that's if you don't have anything better to do with it.

This combo would've been brutal in the pre-sixth edition rules.
Posted By: jfre81 (7/30/2011 2:01:28 PM)


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