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Community Rating: 3.931 / 5  (51 votes)
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@ScissorsLizard: It's on foil versions of the card. Tenth Edition was unique in that it left reminder text off of foils, leaving room for flavor text (or in the case of Time Stop, leaving just "end the turn").
Posted By: Continue (8/23/2013 8:06:48 PM)


I really wish they had given the flying leonin some slick, metallic wings instead of the winged mounts. I feel like I'm cheating my Cat deck by putting this card in there; even now, looking at the physical card up close, it's impossible to tell if it's an actual cat riding this thing aside from the pointy ears that could just as easily be a helmet.
Posted By: Wayori (9/30/2013 12:11:21 AM)


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