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Would be so lulzy to see someone drop a Hunted Wumpus from this effect.
3/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (2/16/2013 6:13:05 PM)


Because I found it interesting posted on the eighth edition card...

"Surprised no one else has mentioned the reference, so...

"Hunt the Wumpus" is an early computer game first released in text-based form in 1972. The first version with graphics debuted in 1980. The object of the game is, not surprisingly, to shoot the Wumpus as you chase it through a grid of rooms.

Posted By: steinburger1109 (3/25/2013 4:33:41 PM)


I eventually want to use this guy with Ostracize or something.
Good with card-advantage discard like Mind Rot, Hymn to Tourach, Wrench Mind, etc..

Force them into top-deck mode and you get a 6/6 trampler for 4, with essentially no drawback.
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/6/2013 12:43:26 PM)


Play withTorpor Orb and throw down 6/6 Trampler with Impunity!

also check out Boldwyr Heavyweights if you enjoy this flavor but in red
Posted By: BryceCarmony (8/20/2013 8:02:42 PM)


Pretty friendly card to have in-hand if you let your buddies know you have it. Or else, just keep it on the battlefield and use cloudshift on it when blockers are being declared, and suddenly all your teamates have supermen out to play with even if all their lands have long been destroyed
Posted By: Mosstone (10/14/2013 5:45:38 PM)


If this card is played and my opponent plays a creature, does it count as them summoning a creature? Just wondering because I had an Opal Gargoyle in play at the time.
Posted By: PennStater77 (12/9/2013 2:17:18 PM)


No, I get it. This is like a win-less card. You're already winning, but you just want to make your opponent feel like they have something to do, even though you have a Garruk Wildspeaker that says otherwise
Posted By: docjarvisd09 (12/9/2013 5:46:45 PM)


Doesn't have sucker feet. Seems the artist never actually played the game.
Posted By: Thrawcheld (2/22/2014 4:28:34 PM)


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