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It should be noted that it can shine really well on turn 4 if you combine with a mana vault, basalt monolith, or grim monolith. For a 3-4 mana investment you'll get to double a later turns mana for nothing. I.E. Turn 4 you tap out and double to have 8 mana. Yes, Mana vault or the others could have put you at 7, but this doubles each *type* of mana as well. This means a HARDCASTED Progenitus turn 5, no shenanigans required.

While still not super powerful (after all, you're using super powerful cards to utilize it) it probably has neat uses even in two player if used right. Keep in mind that it also filter mana efficiently, combines well with extra land drops, and could easily be abused with any high mana output.

Further Power artifact (for whatever reason not mentioned yet) will make this thing HIGHLY abusable. Also, cards like Cathodian work to power this guy as well. Using Ashnod's altar, Cathodian and this you generate 4 mana on their own ... (see all)
Posted By: blurrymadness (10/25/2011 1:32:17 PM)


not really as good as i first though, three mana to double the rest you have, so yeah you would need at least 7 to make any use out of it, unless you have a Knotvine mystic on the field, then this would make this card very usable in a multicolored deck.
Posted By: Mattmedia (7/31/2009 5:23:21 PM)


This card is really horrible you only get a bennefit when you have seven lands and even then it is only one extra mana. it doesnt even give you any color! Argh!
Posted By: MrJosherz (12/16/2008 10:12:41 AM)


Ok ok ok im a bit confused on this card. lets say i have three island and 3 forest i tap three forest to tap doubling cube. do i now have 6 islands and 6 forests?
Posted By: Itrymehbest (3/17/2013 9:06:11 PM)


I don't understand what you mean, MrJosher. It does not say that there is any miniuim amount of mana required and it's still handy for small things. And of course it gives you a colour, it doubles the amount of each type, meaning you would have colour to start with. I think you read the card wrong. It's a good card overall.

Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (6/9/2009 8:16:44 AM)


One doubling cube ... shit
Two ... good
Three ... Excellent
Four ... Awesome ...
Posted By: Skybreaker (6/9/2009 2:44:32 PM)


I play magic but i haven't really done anything with selling rare cards does anybody know how much this card would be worth
Posted By: dakotes22 (1/12/2013 9:51:29 AM)


What are all of oyu talking about...boudling cube is an artifact therefor if u spent the 2 mana to play and 3 to activate it one turn (that meens u have at least 5 mana or you could do it with 3 mana and 2 turns) your next turn you can have 10 mana and you will have 10 mana untill u add more land or the other player has a card that can end the effect.
Posted By: bbdude (8/18/2009 7:52:46 AM)


at 010101010110010

WHORY SHEET DUDE! How long did it take you to figure out that combo? I mean , are you a genuis with an IQ of like 225 or something ? I thought that I was super smart with an IQ of 143 but ,DAMN!
Btw ,do you have these cards in real life or did you run it on a computer sim program such as Co ckatrice ?
Posted By: cioskookycards (7/19/2012 7:19:59 PM)


Use with Door to Nothingness.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (1/25/2010 5:58:13 AM)


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