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In my grafting deck I use this guy with Llanowar Reborn (played on 1st turn) to slap out a Doubling Season on Turn 3

Great enabler card, works GREAT with the graft mechanic
Posted By: zaftula (8/22/2009 7:19:23 PM)


this card can be used with three others and three lands. its a bad a$$ combo baby. i love choosing the amount of tokens i put out. ok, this card with a Lanowar Elf, and Coat of Arms on the field. then enchant druid with Presence of Gond.three more lands to produce 5 mana for Coat of Arms. if u can give the tokens trample its game over for at least 5 players. you must have those 4 cards and three mana for this combo buti have pulled it of.
Posted By: Thallid_King (7/18/2009 10:22:39 AM)


I really like it. You can just abuse it for green mana, it really does not need to be used for anything esle. Give you it faster.

Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (6/22/2009 3:36:00 AM)


Turn 1: Leyline of Vitality from starting hand, forest
Turn 2: Forest, Devoted Druid
Turn 3: Forest, tap DD, Might of Oaks on Devoted Druid - he now has 7/10 = up to 10 green mana, feel free to drop anything like Engulfing Slagwurm or Vigor or anything else with similar level of nastyness. Devoted Druid dies, but he's really devoted, so... he'll be allright.

I use this gal pretty much everytime I play my monogreen big-monsters deck. Obviously, it's even better for an elvish deck.
Posted By: ElDoRado1239 (7/19/2011 1:39:10 AM)


An okay card by itself with a very interesting activation cost, which makes it even better when combined with other cards.
The infinite loop with Quillspike is likely the strongest one. But Power Conduit for example is also a pretty combo (and this artifact is also useful for Wither creatures, who again synergize with Quillspike)
Like this, the druid can provide you GreenGreenGreen mana each turn or GreenGreenGreenGreen if it didn't have a -1/-1 counter at the beginning of the turn. That means if you have her outside and play the conduit, it's basically for free.
I also tried some weird mana accel with Puresteel Paladin and Slagwurm Armor. (But you should never have a three-card combo in your deck (that doesn't even win you the game) unless each of those cards have at least some good synergy with the rest of your deck, otherwise you'll just have a shity deck that relies on multiple cards without a single disruption,... (see all)
Posted By: Mode (6/10/2011 5:12:51 PM)


what can I say... 500mil / 500mil turn 3...
stupidly overpowered... but so going in my deck.. until they change the rules...
Posted By: Twigster (6/15/2009 12:44:37 PM)


May not combo with Doubling Season, but Melira, Sylvok Outcast likes her all the same.

All in all, a much better Wall of Roots throwback, both in elegance (-1/-1 instead of -0/-1) and in playability (you don't have to put -1/-1 counters on it every time).
Posted By: bay_falconer (2/23/2013 11:06:17 AM)


I run this with the presence of gond combo, but don't even worry about coat of arms. Between Immaculate Magistrate or just a timberwatch elf / wirewood pride, maybe use a wirewood lodge in there, too--I end up killing the druid, but have 90+ tokens by turn five.
Posted By: TheChurchIsHere (9/8/2010 10:23:34 PM)


I can see this being better than Llanowar Elves in some decks even without the combo, though you'd still have to find a way to either pump it or remove counters to squeeze out any extra mana to make it worth the replacement.

Oh, and when two of these are on the field, Ezuri, Renegade Leader can get you infinite mana. Here's an article about a deck using that.

Posted By: Gelzo (12/10/2010 2:34:03 AM)


Quillspike and Devoted Druid now have a new tutor in Green Sun's Zenith.
Posted By: Nighthawk42 (2/15/2011 2:56:27 PM)


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