Worse than doomblade in most situations because it costs 50% extra mana.
Also, Eyeblight's Ending vs. Rend Flesh comes down to how you build your deck. If you build a deck that can make use of the fact that this card is an Elf, it's better. If you build a deck that can make use of Arcane spells, Rend Flesh is better. If you build a deck that does neither, Rend Flesh is better.
Posted By:
(8/28/2011 12:29:23 PM)
Very similar to Rend Flesh in that it offs anything except one specific tribe. Elves ARE more common than spirits, but this is still a hugely improved kill spell just because it can kill black creatures. I rated it down because I hate Elves and want them dead.
Call people "eyeblights" in real life; they love it.
Posted By:
(11/5/2010 6:17:48 PM)
Like Black needed any more removal, now it can off other Black creatures at Instant speed.
Posted By:
(7/23/2009 12:13:02 PM)
Doom Blade
Soul Reap
Go For The Throat
Eyeblight's Ending
I guess "Elf" is more obscure, but it should've been 2 cmc and an Uncommon.
Posted By:
(8/28/2011 5:20:11 PM)
Strictly worse than Rend Flesh unless you're using it for elvish eulogists or something, which isn't all that big of a deal anyways.
Posted By:
(8/31/2010 7:21:57 PM)
Posted By:
(1/10/2010 7:56:51 PM)
...Speaking of black cards that remove creatures too easily... Combat? What's that? You mean, when I tap my one creature in play and you take damage?
At least Swords to Plowshares gives your opponent a lot of life if it was a big creature, so he doesn't feel totally cheated, and you actually stop and think for half a second before casting it.
Posted By:
(8/17/2012 9:28:57 AM)
Murder is some nasty competition, but it's slightly more color intensive which means a lot in an elf deck, probably the best place to have one of these. Tribal makes it tutorable, {2}{b} makes it easier to play, so the card's still fairly solid.
Posted By:
(8/23/2013 1:04:13 PM)