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Community Rating: 2.438 / 5  (48 votes)
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Tempo loss isn't worth it for such a minor ability but the fact it's an Island is interesting since you can fetch it with fetchlands.
Posted By: EpicBroccoli (2/2/2011 6:36:45 PM)


I really wish the ability just required a tap. It certainly has uses. there are 'top control' decks, there are cards like Booby Trap. But tapping two of my lands to look at a card is just a little much. On the bright side its a land and it has the island type which makes it surprisingly easy to tutor up.
Posted By: Enelysios (5/16/2014 7:23:48 PM)


I like using it with Daxos of Meletis to see if it's worth attacking someone in multiplayer. If I see the top card is a land, I'll attack someone else instead.
Posted By: Tribor (5/25/2014 9:52:22 AM)


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