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Pictured here: the Ark of Mishra.
Posted By: Kirbster (9/16/2013 2:45:22 PM)


Read the flavor text people. There are most certainly ankhs in this artwork. Lots of them. I find it very odd that in a game all about imagination that some players have so very little of it.
Posted By: Phelplan (4/11/2014 12:27:03 PM)


Everybody trying to find the ankh:

Look to the right of the large, central spherical dome. See the windmill?

Alright, now see the small sphere directly opposite the windmill's right facing spoke? On the other side of the central done?

You need to follow the metal that is latticed between these two points. Follow the laced metal all the way around the middle of the central structure.

Now follow that line again and look closely.

Because the ankh is not there either.
Posted By: Stuflames (4/19/2014 2:05:56 PM)


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