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@ infernox10: no, you cannot bring back tokens with persist. Tokens exiling when they leave play is a state based effect, it does not use the stack.
Posted By: bijart_dauth (3/26/2011 4:29:25 PM)


If a creature has both Undying and Persist, it is unkillable. If only there were a way to get multiple uses out of this in one turn. Then you could sacrifice a creature any number of times all at once to multiple effects and abilities.
What about...
Have this in your graveyard, exile it onto Myr Welder, use Palladium Myr and two Myr Galvanizers to get an infinite untap (but not infinite mana) combo on the Myr Welder. You can use the welder (and by extension, Cauldron of Souls) any number of times per turn, on any number of creatures with Undying. Proceed to sacrifice them to anything and everything any number of times, setting off the desired number of death triggers and sacrificing abilities.

Invaluable cards would include: Bloodthrone Vampire, Rage Thrower, Falkenrath Noble, and whatever sac outlets you feel like feeding into. B... (see all)
Posted By: NoobOfLore (1/28/2012 5:57:06 PM)


This with undying creatures makes a thing of beauty.

Also, are people forgetting that the rules say that +1/+1 counters never completely cancel out -1/-1 counters anymore. personally i think that it's kind of stupid, but i also liked mana burn. anyway, a lot of the proposed strategies for using this card in these comments are now obsolete (sadly)
Posted By: turtleknite (2/13/2012 3:34:51 PM)


What happens if a creature with undying gains persist?? And vice-versa..
Posted By: Mike-C (2/20/2012 8:36:11 PM)


Use with power conduit for repeated persist with just about any creature
Posted By: tantallum99 (7/5/2012 10:17:52 PM)


Combo with Novijen, Heart of Progress?
Posted By: TezzieAgentOfWoona (9/7/2013 10:09:58 AM)


combos with murder when facing down a Phage the Untouchable
Posted By: CogMonocle (11/29/2013 10:45:29 AM)


All I see is "the Black Cauldron" and the horned king standing over this.
Posted By: Rifts980 (1/12/2014 7:26:46 PM)


I love this card and its little brother Cauldron Haze. I use them both in my Karador "sac for value" EDH deck because I have a lot of creatures with ETB and death triggers, and they let me sacrifice creatures without having to actually lose my creatures. I've done stupid stuff with them. One time, I did this:

1. During the end of the turn of the guy before me, cast Cauldron Haze targeting Solemn Simulacrum, giving it persist.

2. Cast Altar's Reap sacking Sad Robot, drawing a card, searching for a basic after he persisted back, and then drawing two more cards.

3. Draw for turn. Somewhere in the middle of all this card draw, I drew into Skullclamp.

4. Play Skullclamp and hook it up to my now 1/1 Sad Robot. Draw three more cards.

Another time, while I was fishbowling, I did this:

1. Hardcast Shriekmaw while I had this, Karador, Phyrexian Altar/auto... (see all)
Posted By: Brawler_1337 (1/24/2014 9:39:22 PM)


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