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Community Rating: 0.957 / 5  (152 votes)
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5 most worthless cards I could find...

Great Wall
Lapis Lazuli Talisman (underrated in its sheer crappitude)
Sorrow's Path
Seafarer's Quay and its brethren.

I can't decide beyond that.
Posted By: EGarrett01 (7/26/2011 8:22:38 PM)


Madness. The card's complexity and ability to achieve nothing at all while damaging your own creatures... and the artwork! Oh, that artwork - the strangely footless wizard who's robes make him look like a chess piece, the oddly tiny person who was just turned to stone, and the terribly ill-planned battle in the background... Why is that winged dragon just walking to his doom? Because Sorrow's Path said so! A disaster of a card in so many ways!
Posted By: Radagast (11/4/2011 9:01:45 PM)


Even if it was the same card but could tap for 1 mana of any color it would still not be good. There are better ways to get any color mana and better ways to kill your own creatures. Still love the card though.
Posted By: NuckChorris (4/2/2012 7:09:42 AM)


I quit reading the game text halfway through, and I STILL thought this card was somewhat bad...
Posted By: The_AC (8/20/2012 12:34:25 AM)


not too bad, it switches blockers :D
so if you have a big bomb with trample and a 1/1 that swings and the opponent chump blocks the 1/1 and blocks the trampler with 0/13 tree, you switch so that the 1/1 gets blocked by the 0/13 and the big bomb by the 1/1
Posted By: enjoy (3/2/2013 8:54:19 AM)


I think the pre-Oracle text is slightly clearer.
Posted By: Mythikdawn (2/18/2014 5:38:12 AM)


I actually use this card in my W/R Boros deck with Light of Sanction. Just for kicks.
Posted By: car2n (3/24/2014 11:39:03 PM)


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