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I'm guessing the combo I'm thinking of doesnt work, because nobody has mentioned Warp World in conjunction with Ob Nixilis. is this because they all enter the battlefield at the same time? I do not know, but thought it was worth mentioning
Played in some kind of permanent swarm/draw power deck, running Noble Hierarch, Birds of Paradise, Lotus Cobra, Harrow, fetch lands, anything to ramp your mana to get Ob Nix out on 3rd or 4th turn. 4th, 5th or 6th turn sees you drop a Warp World. picking up and shuffling everything, dropping 3 Ob Nix and 3 Land = win, or 2 Ob Nix and 4 Land = win. Even 1 Ob Nix can solo your opponent if you manage to drop 7 lands (3 basic and 2 fetch lands, for 2 more basic).

Due to Ob Nix being legendary, they will all self-destruct, but their landfall effects will not have resolved yet, so you are able to put Ob Nix onto the field, having them die and head for ... (see all)
Posted By: ArKive (10/11/2009 3:01:03 PM)


There are poor creatures, strong creatures and Ob Nixilis! Players with black decks must have!
Posted By: repka1257 (10/12/2009 1:43:36 AM)


Ob used to be Garruk, he lost to Lily and we got this beast... sucks to be him.

I agree that trample feels better (since he used to be green and all), however on a card like this it would push him over the edge... there is already a small enough window to deal with him (outside of white who can hide behind a Baneslayer) before he kills you.

What's funny is that the power creep that creates cards like this keeps the game interesting... how far can they push things and keep it balanced?

Remember when a one drop had a total of 2 between it's power and toughness? Now, look at how many one drops are available with a total of 3-4 power/toughness in standard. They are making the game more aggro and good mid-range to control decks will continue to get harder to find.

So, how do you rate an Ob Nixilis? Well, on the Planeswalker turned creature scale he beats the pants off a Blind Seer (Urza)! The fact is, no matter how much we may want to rant about this creature being broken, if he's in ... (see all)
Posted By: ong312 (10/13/2009 11:04:37 PM)


For a mythic rare, I also must say it's not all that rare. I got one in a fat pack, and my friend got three within a week of Zendikar being out.

Without fetchlands, I wouldn't say he's that great. Whispersilk Cloak him and then he's a major threat. But without something like that, he's still good for life drain, and that gets annoying fast.
Posted By: Batstewart (10/25/2009 10:51:21 AM)


Go ob :)
Posted By: 15 (11/14/2009 2:37:23 AM)


Oh, yeah, trample! Like he isn't already good enough, lets give him evasion. In fact, I think that we should make him unblockable instead! Maybe give him shroud! Protection? Sure.
Posted By: jugglingguy (11/27/2009 3:25:08 PM)



Children of Korlis deals with the life lost for 1 turn. Grazing Gladehart gives you landfall lifegain of your own, and there are a lot of 'when X comes into play, gain life' creatures.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (1/31/2010 9:46:00 PM)


He has the worldwake expansion symbol on his forehead.
Posted By: Sacrier (2/7/2010 1:59:09 AM)


hey kittyspit, dies to removal is the worst way possible to evaluate cards. Baneslayers dies to most everything too eh but its still good.
Posted By: bigben013 (2/13/2010 10:30:10 PM)


"Hey, Lotus Cobra, remember when we used to be like redonkulously expensive?"

*sighs, glares at Jace, the Mind Sculptor* "...Don't remind me."

All jokes aside, it was one of those things that failed to find an uber-useful niche for itself outside of the most hilarious wincon ever - the awesome and hilarious fun that is Warp World. 5 lands + this guy = pretty much game.
Posted By: DonRoyale (2/17/2010 11:13:11 PM)


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