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Community Rating: 4.022 / 5  (89 votes)
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berserk is considered one of the best green cards ever, and this doesn't even get 4 stars? ramp into a few multikicked Wolfbriar Elementals and you're getting +10/+10 at instant speed for one mana.
Posted By: benegade (7/29/2010 7:49:19 AM)


I run a modified Eldrazi Arisen red/green deck. Someone had a Lord of Shatterskull P-a-ss leveled to 2 and enchanted with Armored Ascension. I used Act of Treason on it and then played this, and killed him with his own 7/7 pumped up to a 15/15 using this spell.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (6/8/2010 9:29:40 PM)


I love hitting one of my creatures with 1 or 2 of these in my token spam deck. The initial reaction is usually "Pfft, so what if it's a 20/20, it doesn't have flying or trample". Laying down an Overwhelming Stampede usually changes their attitude extremely quickly. Is attacking someone with 15 or more creatures that are 20/20 or up with trample overkill? Yes. Is it necessary? No, not at all. Is it fun? No doubt.
Posted By: Longshanks126 (12/4/2010 10:42:39 AM)


I see no reason to reprint giant growth when we have a card that is almost always better in any green deck.
Posted By: NuclearMECCA (5/8/2010 12:47:46 AM)


You now think "Might of Dumbasses" whenever you read this card.
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (4/29/2013 11:58:29 PM)


Giant growth is one of two cards that have been printed in every core set (the other is giant spider). It is such a classic card, and still powerful. If you have been playing a while, you can likely recall many more occasions where GG won you the game than when MotM won it for you. Almost every green booster is designed around GG. The competitive ones are sometimes better, sometimes worse. You maximize the cards by playing so that it is usually more.
I am glad they reprint GG, but it is cards like this and groundswell and might of krosa that make this game more strategic and enjoyable.
PS: play this with Nacatl War-Pride
Posted By: kiseki (1/5/2011 3:32:59 PM)


make my monster grow!
Posted By: Angry_Puppy (4/16/2011 5:22:48 PM)


Combos with Bramblesnap.
Posted By: Sulphite (2/9/2012 7:14:28 PM)


The wording confused me the first time reading it. The "for each creature you control" phrase should've been before the "until end of turn" IMO.
Posted By: theNinja-degozaru (4/8/2012 9:25:17 PM)


Everytime I see this card, I just want to stuff it and Scion of the Wild in a deck together. Maybe Beacon of Creation too.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (10/11/2012 5:32:07 PM)


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