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Community Rating: 3.989 / 5  (134 votes)
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Oh. My. God. This card is so fun to use!! I was using green mana ramp and in the end, I ended up swinging for 96.. Ah, such fun
Posted By: kfang1233 (8/13/2013 1:01:47 PM)


Good in a Black-Green ramp deck, hilariously cruel in combo with Ob Nixilis, The Fallen

Think about it this way: I shall make you loose 3 life when ever I cast a land ... but tis not enough my dear, I shall buff up my demon ... by the same measure ... and then I shall turn all my lands into 8/8 elementals. Crying now? I can still use them as land!

I can literally block you with my lands (I remember it being a joke since one of my mates would always get destroyed, leaving him with only lands ... He used to say "I block you with my mountain/forest." Now I can do it for real. +0.5 in rating just for that alone
Posted By: Vastator (9/18/2013 10:22:39 AM)


darksteel citadel
Posted By: Mr.Freshness-Timmy (3/6/2014 12:13:33 AM)


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