They are pushing this card SOOOOO hard in the new set! MIll might actually be a force, if you haven't already, check out the spoilers for jace, memory adept, jace's archivist, and visions of beyond. It seems like wizards is trying to force mill to be legit, and I think they may be in dangerous territory with all these powerful cards coming out.
Posted By:
(6/28/2011 9:28:19 AM)
This is absolutely insane with Jace, Memory Adept, the new planeswalker!
Posted By:
(6/28/2011 11:51:54 AM)
This card is great. Once you play it, you will automatically be milling your opponents with just a single draw. That's only with one of them. Should you get multiple ones, that's even worse. Should you know anything about blue's obsession of obtaining knowledge, you know that they love to draw cards. Take Arcanis the Omnipotent for example. Just a single tap will mill your opponent for 3 and give you 3 cards. That's why this card is just great.
Posted By:
(7/15/2010 9:06:19 PM)
Increases the potency of Haunting Echoes.
Posted By:
(2/8/2011 2:46:31 AM)
Nice addition for milling.
Posted By:
(7/8/2010 2:04:13 PM)
mindmoil ftw
Posted By:
(7/26/2010 2:34:06 PM)
It always weirds me out how some players just don't get that if:
1. your deck has no realistic chance of milling your opponent to death
2. you can't make seriously good use of graveyards
3. their deck doesn't revolve around scry (and this is a pretty marginal benefit of mill)
then they still get what is effectively a random card from their deck - you haven't gained any more than you would by insisting on shuffling your opponents cards a bit more pre-game. you genuinely don't benefit at all. (you're worse off if they can take advantage of graveyards)
now assuming you're using mill correctly... really? sword of body and mind, hedron crab, screeching silcaw, and half a dozen other standard legal mill cards own this one. no body, slow mill effect, a dead draw on turn 7 or 8...
if i'm wrong on this one, please someone talk me through it... but 2/5.
Posted By:
(3/9/2011 5:04:42 PM)
I remember playing at an FNM, and my opponent was someone I had never seen before. He had a four-color deck, and when he used this card, without any other form of milling in his deck, I realized that he had managed to build a deck completely isolated from any of the conventional wisdom most players take for granted. He probably had just opened a few boosters, made a deck out of the cards, and had just started playing within the last week or so.
It was a refreshing experience, since his deck was a wild mess of cards that did things no other deck could do, but beating him was rather easy.
I had the urge to give him some advice, like how Jace's Erasure is probably nowhere near as powerful as he thinks it is (because milling a few cards has very little real effect on the game, and even then it's rather slow compared to other mill cards), but I realized that it was such a pure and innocent deck, untainted by decklists and analysis, that he should build his deck according to his own belief... (see all)
Posted By:
(6/17/2011 6:52:34 AM)
Goes great with a Consecrated Sphinx...
Posted By:
(2/14/2011 12:23:32 AM)