In limited this is a fairly good card. Most games you play in limited you will see at least one target for this card, and it can help finish up that creature which you are just one damage short of being able to kill.
Posted By:
(8/7/2010 12:44:40 PM)
I'm going to stick an "H" on this card so we remember that there's a hornets on it.
Posted By:
(4/4/2011 9:36:01 PM)
Hornets make PAIN!
Posted By:
(5/18/2011 12:48:22 AM)
Unconditional weenie removal in mono green. Nice.
However, I badly wish this had storm. It would be dripping with flavor.
Posted By:
(9/27/2012 11:57:28 PM)
Maro's nemesis.
Posted By:
(10/11/2012 8:57:19 PM)
This card helped in the prerelease. Turn two my opponent cast Nantuko Shade and didn't have the mana to save him from my pesky hornets.
Posted By:
(8/7/2010 8:05:13 PM)
Make for a very interesting comparison to Lightning Bolt.
This is extremely playable much in the same vein as why Harmonize is good.
Harmonize is the green version of Concentrate which isn't a great card because blue has so many other card drawing spells available to them, whereas in green it's fantastic because it's one of a kind.
This is the same thing.
In red this would be a 0/5, easy, but because green is the worst color when it comes to creature removal, this card actually has practical applications.
Great flavor text also.
Edit: this card has helped me to realize my philosophy of the color pie.
To me, it's not so much the tradition that is most important when it comes to preserving the color pie, but rather the resonance.
So while green hasn't had any sort of effect like this in something like a decade, and by all strictly mechanical identity accounts, should not have been printed, stop and think about the flavor... (see all)
Posted By:
(11/19/2010 12:51:38 PM)
I like this card a lot. Not because it is a good card, but because it helps new players realize that you pay for 3 instant damage, then if you pay you can get 1 instant damage.
It is a spell that is in the wrong color, and thus is only a 1/3rd as strong as the same spell in the right color. It makes it clear that certain colors need to be played to certain strengths.
Very important for a core set like M11.
Posted By:
(7/11/2010 12:53:37 AM)
awesome flavor text
Posted By:
(7/10/2010 11:57:08 PM)
Two of them to kill Phyrexian Crusader, since red and white burn aren't very helpful there.
Posted By:
(2/1/2011 7:04:25 PM)