Anyone think this is the best flavor text ever? Cuz I do :). And I like how it shows new players the comparative power levels of red vs green direct damage spells.
Posted By:
(9/25/2010 6:06:30 PM)
An odd card, direct damage being unflavourful for green. It would be interesting to see if there will be a lot of 1 toughness threats in standard in this cards time, it could become a very important side-board card.
Posted By:
(7/8/2010 1:07:38 PM)
Inefficient, but I could actually see this seeing play in sideboards to kill mana elfs. Cool flavor as well.
Posted By:
(7/8/2010 2:10:18 PM)
This for 1 mana and Unyaro Bee Sting for 4, lol.
Posted By:
(7/8/2010 3:26:52 PM)
I vote for spamming all 1-toughness creature articles with "Dies to Hornet Sting. 0/5 stars." Purely for the lulz.
Posted By:
(7/11/2011 1:55:14 PM)
They should put this in an unset costing 1/3 of a point of mana.
Posted By:
(7/30/2010 8:45:42 PM)
C'mon. Ovinize, Diminish, or Snakeform, with this card is fantastic G/U removal, especially in M11 limited where I pulled it off nicely, much to my opponent's chagrin.
Posted By:
(7/24/2010 7:33:15 AM)
Very inefficient compared to other green removal spells. There's a few somewhere, someone help me look.
Oh wait... right...
Posted By:
(4/29/2011 5:54:39 PM)
Because the cost of green direct-damage spells increases as the square of the damage dealt, or so it seems.
Coming up in M12: Sting: 8G Instant: Sting deals 3 damage to target creature or player.
Posted By:
(7/9/2010 1:57:36 PM)
Guys. Green/Blue deck. Use this with Diminish.
Posted By:
(7/11/2010 10:21:48 PM)