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...I didn't even realise he had Flash. You can play this guy in your opponent's end step, make him throw away his entire hand almost immediately, untap the 10 mana he cost, and draw seven cards. This guy is insanely awesome.
Posted By: kazenpaus (11/8/2011 7:00:03 AM)


I like the fact that he's going to nearly ensure your victory if you play him. What I'm not sure if I like is you could very easily deck yourself if you're not properly prepared or if your opponent is too prepared.
Posted By: LightoRaito (11/14/2011 1:57:37 PM)


Put him in a mill-yourself deck XD He loves Laboratory Maniac
Posted By: shotoku64 (11/26/2011 12:09:31 AM)


Turn 1, entomb
Turn2, exhume

Good game man.
Posted By: biged223 (11/28/2011 7:44:01 PM)


@ Ragamander

"Here man, take mine"
- Venser, the Sojourner
Posted By: Ferlord (12/5/2011 2:57:30 PM)


ok so Jin always bothers me. I guess thats kinda the point of NPH but here is my little idea for a different version

4UU-5UU (not sure)


counter each spell that targets creatures you control unless the controller of that spell pays (1-2, also not sure)

Each spell that targets your opponent's creatures (that you cast?) targets every one of them unless that player pays (1-2, same as above) to prevent the spell from copying itself.

4/3 or 5/4 also not sure on that

i know the wording's pretty screwy now but it's really early so i might fix it later if i feel like it

anyways so now he would basically be a giant couunterspell
Posted By: brunsbr103 (12/5/2011 10:01:20 PM)


brunsbr: How about "Spells you play that target a creature an opponent controls cost {1}/{2} less to play"?

Less speculatively, I'm planning self-mill reanimator (Unburial Rites, naturally). Jin here is perfect for it, since he basically adds more mill along with his other effects.
Posted By: LordRandomness (12/17/2011 7:55:15 PM)


The main problem with this guy is that a couple of turns after you play him, he kills you.

Then again, maybe you just draw into another copy of him and legend-rule him away. Seems fine!
Posted By: jstorrie (12/21/2011 1:18:45 AM)


If this guy survives your opponent's turn, you will win the game, since your hand will always be full and your opponent will need 2 or 3 top decks draw just to stay alive.
Posted By: Vorja (12/28/2011 10:08:49 AM)


Encyclopedia Brown finally sees print, in the creepiest way possible.

Posted By: Salient (1/16/2012 12:30:48 PM)


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