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Beautiful art, too costly but if it gets reanimated it pretty much means game over, unless they ass rape it with a force of will or similar
Posted By: Eigma (1/27/2012 7:51:05 AM)


Love this guy. What. A. Bomb. I run him in my Animar EDH, and there's nothing like seeing the look on my opponents' faces when I flash this guy out (for {U}{U}, at that) at their end step just as they drew a bajillion cards. And because I'm running Animar, something like half my cards are creatures, so with Leyline of Anticipation I can just flash out all the cards I draw at the end step! There's no way I'd ever consider casting him for his full cost though, that's just ridiculous.
Posted By: Llian (2/4/2012 7:03:31 AM)


flash is quite useless for this card
i made a mill deck
ive only been able to hard cast him once
and that was against a deck that stalls focuses on stalling games
Posted By: PinkleDadandy (3/18/2012 12:38:16 AM)


I can't say I really care for this card.
*Dodges hail of rotten tomatoes* Hey hey! Hear me out!
While this guy does lock down your opponent's hand (Potentially...), this also makes you functionally mill yourself. You just can't dump eight or more cards a turn, especially if you draw lands, and unless you have a Spellbook or the like, you're gonna burn out QUICK. What's worse is that if an opponent has a Book as well, you aren't doing much to stop him, so there goes his real benifit.
What's the worst is that he's ten mana. 10. 8BlueBlue. Ow. Flash doesn't mean anything, if you've got ten mana to work with in a Blue deck you should have won by now. Plus, his body is just...tiny. Really, pitifully so.
So...yeah. I have no love for this guy. At all. He's a big bad backfire and apparently I just don't get the joke.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (3/23/2012 10:05:36 AM)


"Oh hey there!" - Gerrard Capashen
Posted By: adrian.malacoda (5/7/2012 9:16:20 PM)


C'mon DoragonShinzui, very few people are hardcasting this guy, they're reanimating him. And that means they can usually bring out a couple of more fatties with all of their card draw. Your opponent will be dead long before you mill yourself, or he'll find some way to miracle away Jin (perhaps a literal miracle?).
Posted By: matunos (5/12/2012 3:01:55 PM)


Aside from re-animator, I find him great in a RUG EDH deck. I have enough removal to take care of most "no maximum hand size cards", and 10 mana is easy. It's in EDH where the Flash shines. It's not uncommon for players to have a full hand of cards they have been working on for a combo, so flashing him in during their end step is priceless. Not to mention that draw 7 in a RUG EDH deck with legendary eldrazi's is also win.
Posted By: Breaker_Ki (6/27/2012 9:01:40 AM)


Evil, evil, evil, evil, in commander. I have a mono blue deck that uses Kira as the general, and it does have one or two drawbacks in the deck, but I got this guy out one time, and it immediately made me the target. People playing politics to kill me/him because some didn't understand the power I had with them having to drop their hands every turn. In that same game another player played him....rough game.

He's pricey, so finding other ways to get him out are needed, but once he's out, opponents best get rid of him fast.
Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (6/29/2012 7:09:36 AM)


This thing is insane... the only drawback I can see is that you have around 10 turns before milling yourself to death, but that can not only be prevented, but also used as a victory condition. See Laboratory Maniac.
Posted By: Schlapatzjenc (7/22/2012 10:22:30 AM)


psychosis crawler
Posted By: sliverlord777 (7/27/2012 7:05:02 PM)


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