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Woolly Thoctar costs 1 less mana, has 1 more toughness, does not require you to untap an opponents creature to use it, and can be used with Muraganda Petroglyphs. I suppouse if you did not want to play Naya colors you could use this card. But allowing an opponents creature to untap before you attack with this guy seems like a somewhat bad idea when you consider you payed more for it and it has a somewhat frail body.
Posted By:
(9/9/2010 9:47:37 PM)
@Silverware: Woolly Thoctar also has THREE GODDAMN COLOURS you dunce! And it isn't an artifact either. By design, colourless creatures are less powerful than coloured ones, especially multicoloured ones. To be expecting the same of them is just silly.
Posted By:
(1/6/2014 5:48:16 PM)