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Community Rating: 3.386 / 5  (66 votes)
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Blood Seeker, Argothian Elder, Wirewood Lodge, Forbidden Orchard A possible combo?
Posted By: Shiviano (7/27/2011 2:26:57 PM)


One of my favorite vampires. I always run 4 of these in my Vampire deck to ensure at least one reaching the field early on.
Posted By: SarpNasty (8/13/2011 9:53:29 PM)


Combine with a Soul Warden and you get yourself a Suture Priest
Posted By: Dr_Fletchers (9/3/2011 8:24:46 AM)


To everyone saying Suture Priest is better, sure but blood seeker isn't meant to compete with Suture Priest. Can Suture priest be: given bloodthirst 3 by Bloodlord Of Vaasgoth? be given +1+1 counters by Rakish Heir? be given +2 +2 by Lord Of Lineage? . I think that until we see more vampires from dark ascension, Blood seeker has a place in vampires as a solid early drop alongside Stromkirk Noble and as an early life pressurer in the deck.
Posted By: Strawb3rryPanic (9/25/2011 4:12:18 PM)



No, I agree. I too would like to see that as a reprint, but for my deck at least, this has far more value since it forces them pay every time they play, and it comes out early.

But it is a bit vulnerable....

.... hence, you must have at least 3 in one deck with some kind of protection to boot.

Besides, the way I see things, how good the card is matters, but its more important how the cards fit together.
Posted By: Vastator (6/18/2013 5:48:10 PM)


Get a hoard of this guy out and SUDDEN DISAPPEARANCE your opponents creatures.
Posted By: MyScissorsWinTheGame (9/24/2013 10:34:00 AM)



State based effects cannot be responded to. If you hit zero life, you lose, you instead would need to gain (x) life before any instant or ability would go on the stack.
Posted By: EnderofGames (3/7/2014 2:32:37 AM)


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