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Community Rating: 4.103 / 5  (204 votes)
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It's a great card. This dragon is going to see play because it can tap all flying creatures and make it seem like it's unblockable. But there is one glaring weakness to Thundermaw Hellkite that is commonly seen in today's standard decks, Restoration Angel.
Posted By: ericsweb (8/2/2012 7:57:45 AM)


Probably a really really stupid question, and this card is so powerful already there's almost no point tying to break it further, but if you cast this and as it hits the battlefield you pair it with Nightshade Peddler (don't know how to auto-card sorry) would it kill all your opponent's fliers?
Posted By: MightySqueeth (8/4/2012 2:57:56 AM)


Thanks a hell of a lot, Wizards.
Ive been waiting for another perfect red dragon and you finally bring it out only to make sure I'll never get any of them because of the damned cost. I wish you had never come up with that rarer than rare crap because its ruining the chance that some of us will ever buy cards we like and want.

The dragon is five star, the Mythic thing rots dog rump.
Posted By: donjohnson (8/4/2012 7:48:18 PM)



Seriously man? Blaming Wizards because you can't afford to play this card? Even if they had made it a rare it wouldn't change it's price by much - it would be just as good and people would be willing to spend as much to get their hands on one. The fact that it's mythic is a good thing - as a player who regularly drafts m13 i'm glad i don't have to face one of these down every week.
Posted By: K1nG_0f_Sh0v3l5 (8/13/2012 6:37:19 PM)


He'll get nerfed in the next patch, don't worry

(I'm sorry, he just looks too much like Deathwing)
Posted By: Promethial (8/16/2012 6:04:07 AM)


See, I think this guy will tank in price when he rotates out. If he rotates out. If he gets reprinted the price will definitely drop a good ways.
If that happens I'm going to come right back here and laugh at donjohnson and Okuu-chan. I'll try to work in a quip about foresight.
Posted By: MyrBattlecube (8/16/2012 11:19:52 PM)


"You mean I get a 5/5 flying dragon for 5...with haste?! Whoa that's just...wait what? It deals damage to other fliers when it comes into play? Wow this is just cr...wait you mean to tell me it does something else too????" A powerful dragon, it hits hard when it comes out, and isn't a bad target for flicker effects. This thing can win games the turn he comes out.
Posted By: Dragasm (8/17/2012 4:08:00 PM)


With the lack of almost any control decks running around in Standard right now, people are missing the true effect of what this card will do to Lingering Souls(on a more minor note, Moorland Haunt). No one in their right mind will double up on the initial and flashback cost to put 4 Spirit tokens -ever- again on one turn against a deck playing red.

People may think of that as being altogether too utilitarian. I've heard people rail against this card "not feeling mythic", but come on. It crashes onto the battlefield, bringing a storm so fierce that all of the creatures are disoriented or forced to land, lightning strikes downright electrocuting Birds of Paradise and other fragile denizens out of the sky, all while charging relentlessly at your opponent.

Don't let the constructed applications, the cost, and the lack of flavor text sap the flavor of this card away from you. It's got plenty of -spice-.
Posted By: WokeUpDead (8/19/2012 10:33:19 PM)


I really want to make a control deck using this, Cobbled Wings, and something to blink it with.
Really good despite the fact that it can't kill Storm Crows. 5/5
Posted By: Noishe (8/20/2012 2:42:54 PM)


A sudden pain in the ass to all angel decks. Or anything else that flies.

4/5 simply 'cause i run Angels :D
Posted By: DarkShinobi93 (8/28/2012 8:34:03 AM)


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