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Community Rating: 4.103 / 5  (204 votes)
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It's a 5/5 haste flier for 5.

Haters, die.
Posted By: EKraj (8/31/2012 3:36:58 PM)


Card is really good. Playing it in Jund as my 5 drop finisher (the only other 5 CMC card in the deck is Vraska). It essentially means everything after your turn one can have haste:

Turn one: Rakdos Cackler, Unleashed
Turn two: Rakdos Shred-Freak (suprisingly great card, imo), swing 4
Turn three: Dreg Mangler, swing 7
Turn four: Hellrider, Swing 10, with an extra four unblockable damage
Turn five: Thundermaw Hellkite, swing 15, with an extra 5 direct damage

In a perfect game, it would be over turn four, but since this is reality, they probably blocked a lot turn 4 (if they could). Hellkite honestly seals the deal, and it makes getting in there for that last bit of damage super easy. Not only is it super hard to block, but it rips apart spirit tokens, bird tokens, and smashes in for at least 5, which is 1/4th of the opponent's health, which is really good. It even makes slower games go your way. It single-handedly can beat Delver, since it taps their Abberations, and their Sublime Arch... (see all)
Posted By: OmegaReborn (10/6/2012 8:18:53 PM)


A playable dragon? In Magic?
What sorcery is this?
Posted By: swords_to_exile (10/6/2012 10:25:01 PM)


Definitely a fun looking card. I still don't know if I would fit this into any of the decks I would play, but I can see the power of this card in the right kind of deck. Here is an article that further discusses this card, what it can do, and ways to sideboard against it...

Posted By: Trillenium (11/12/2012 5:29:04 PM)


I see that this is definitely a great card, but everyone really seems to be fapping too hard.
Posted By: Emperorerror (11/17/2012 10:14:20 AM)


I really, really want one of these suckers- hands down the most tournamnet-playable dragon ever printed, but me mostly playing casual really makes it hard to justify buying one right-out. I pretty much have to get lucky opening M13 boosters. Sad day. :(
Posted By: Lord_Ascapelion (11/20/2012 9:28:20 AM)


5/5. Wins games, beast of a card.
Posted By: icedtea6881 (12/1/2012 1:25:21 PM)


Thundermaw seems to have made dragons a competitive option now. Very exciting!
Posted By: ArcaJeth (12/4/2012 3:58:29 PM)


This guy heard about how almost every dragon printed recently was unplayable in a competitive format, so he comes storming in with stats that make it so well above the curve, it's currently the most expensive card in Standard. Awesome card for Red, and a really strong finisher.
Posted By: Keiya (12/14/2012 4:38:11 AM)


This is the first dragon I've seen to hit $40 while it was in Standard, and not counting promo editions, the first dragon I've seen to hit $40 ANYWHERE. This thing is a house wherever it hits the field.
Posted By: WarioMan (12/14/2012 12:53:38 PM)


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