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Community Rating: 4.103 / 5  (204 votes)
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I like to visualize what a battle between this and Silklash Spider would look like.
Posted By: Kaleidostorm (12/26/2012 1:36:26 AM)


Remember when thundermaw hellkite was like $15? Then people realized that 5 mana 5/5 flying haste damage (and was almost unblockable the turn it was played) in a durdly mid-range metagame, where people were relying too much on sorcery speed removal, was amazing?

This will eventually go back down IF ultimate price becomes the removal of choice in the metagame (or some other instant speed removal). Otherwise I don't really see this dropping.
Posted By: mdakw576 (1/27/2013 4:26:35 AM)


...are people hate-rating this? a 5/5 flyer for 3RR with haste and basically attacks for free the turn it comes out and kills spirits/birds, and it has less than a 4/5. FIVE/FIVE is my vote. oh yeah; and, can you say "power-creep?"
Posted By: GlintKawk42 (4/9/2013 1:54:32 PM)


Seriously though, its good but.....Yeva + any green flyer or reacher. Chancellor of the tangle anybody?
Posted By: EdgarPoeAllen (5/28/2013 8:29:13 PM)


I disagree; how many good cards have we seen lately in various rarities?
Sin Collector
Dryad Militant
Rakdos Cackler
Burning-Tree Emissary
Wojek Halberdiers

and that's just a few of the very good cards from the most recent block; all competing in popularity with Mythics and rares, and beating *many* of them; but being maybe a 50 cents to a dollar to get.

From inistrad, the *entire block*, the second highest rated creature is a common:
Doomed Traveler, also see
Lingering Souls (banned for being too good)
Delver of Secrets (format warping

or M13:
Augur of Bolas
Void Stalker
Vampire Nighthawk
Deadly Recluse
Flinthoof Boar

Have I made a point yet? Just because some cards are format warping, doesn't... (see all)
Posted By: blurrymadness (6/11/2013 8:58:30 AM)


Quite undercosted. At least it has a more interesting ability than baneslayer angel.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/11/2013 12:42:14 PM)


Use this in my Kallia EDH deck- works nicely with Aurelia and another scary dragon.

-Attack with Kaalia and Aurelia
-Drop this, tap enemy creatures, sail through for damage
-Untap all, attack again, this time dropping Balefire Dragon and burning everything they own.
Posted By: Flyinpenguin117 (7/5/2013 7:44:28 PM)


Played my first FNM ever and went 4 - 0. It was thanks to the best dragon for standard ever printed here for a couple of those games. Great for when your red/x deck needs that final push to win.
Posted By: Viridiandragon (7/13/2013 7:28:27 AM)


Stupidly overpowered. what happened to game balance? rathi dragon, now there is a perfect dragon.
Posted By: henchman00 (7/17/2013 7:54:36 PM)


I don't understand why everyone is crazy over this card. Is it good? yes very. But its not over powered and neither is Thragtusk Selesnya Charm takes out both, along with a ton of other removal spells. If they had Hexproof, THEN they would be overpowered. Voice of Resurgence is also overrated and WAY overpriced, is he a great two drop?YES but does he really change a game? well against a control deck he does, but Mana Leak and counter magic exists. So I don't know what all the fuss is about, These "Overpowered" cards do NOT have hexproof OR protection from anything. A good player AT LEAST sideboards removal in their deck, stop bitching and play the game.
Posted By: SekEtogaur (8/4/2013 12:10:42 PM)


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