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We still need more ways to nuke planeswalkers. I'm surprised White doesn't have a Swords to Plowshares variant for them yet.

@ Hunted0Lesser:

My point was that UW had a monopoly on ways to effectively deal with planeswalkers. Not anymore. Green has 4-mana solutions, they just suck and don't give you a lot of value.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (10/19/2012 3:50:20 PM)


Great card in itself, only drawback is the sorcery status rather than instant speed. But it kills any creature or planeswalker for two mana, and that's better a poke in the eye any day.

The rarity is an issue... the closest relative to this card is the common Terminate which doesn't kill planewalkers but does prevent regenerate and is also instant. Swings and roundabouts but apparently the lost of both anti-regenerate and instant speed to be replaced with the ability to target planeswalkers bumps it up to a rare. It should be an uncommon at most, it's a simple piece of removal that should be a staple of red-black decks. The fact that it's currently commanding a high trading value reflects this fairly essential need for it to be in such decks, it isn't interesting, overpowered or broken, it's slow and has a very specific mana costing attached. If they had printed Murder as a rare you would have the same problem, an ordinary card for which ... (see all)
Posted By: HowardTreesong (10/20/2012 11:11:59 AM)


Price on one of these currently makes me cry a little...
Posted By: D.human (11/4/2012 9:02:50 AM)


Deserves a 4/5, easy.
Posted By: icedtea6881 (11/6/2012 10:40:15 PM)


@ IamjustnotCreative

On the off chance that you're not joking, no. The thing about players being planeswalkers is just part of Magic's flavor. In the actual game, "planeswalker" refers specifically to planeswalker permanents, which are not players.
Posted By: ThePantsAreDead (11/17/2012 10:58:45 AM)


I remember back when Radha stabbed Teferi through the face and he lived. Oh Planeswalkers, you're just not what you used to be...
Posted By: psychichobo (12/5/2012 3:10:02 PM)


This should have been common. Amazing effect, but simple answers being common have been a good way to keep the game balanced since the beginning. Sure, the guy with the largest collection and flashiest rares will have the better deck, but the pauper can still come up with answers in the form of Terror, Swords, Bolt, Reprisal etc.

Posted By: JovianHomarid (12/6/2012 2:26:14 AM)


My reaction to this card:

Look at the card's effect: Holy crap, {B} and {R} actually have a good answer to Planeswalkers now! And it kills creatures too!

Look at the cost: And it only costs {B}{R}!

Look at the speed: ...Okay, not as good, but we can use it to instantly kill most things in standard!

Look at the rarity: .....................................WHY?????????

Really, the problem lies with the speed and rarity. On their own, speed and rarity aren't the issue; lots of good removal have been either rares (Abrupt Decay, Hero's Demise) or sorcery speed (Revoke Existence, Oblivion Ring and its siblings), but all of the good ones that were rares AND Sorceries had the advantage of being considerably more powerful than other removal, with most of them being complete field nukes.

Dreadbore should've been either an uncommon or an Instant (maybe costing 1{B}{R} in either case if it was still too imbalanced), not a high-priced rare that is almost always outclassed by "bad" removal lik... (see all)
Posted By: Diachronos (12/15/2012 2:06:13 PM)


In response, Counterbore.
Posted By: canceric09 (12/24/2012 1:52:54 PM)


Most painful tattoo experience ever.
Posted By: Keiya (1/2/2013 1:14:52 AM)


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