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Community Rating: 3.359 / 5  (32 votes)
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Decent Flanker, though the first strike ability is expensive to activate.
Posted By: Radagast (10/13/2010 12:59:12 PM)


I looked up the Love Song of Night and Day in its entirety. Its actually quite beautiful. Sad that it never saw a full printing in any physical product.

I think first strike on a Flanker is pretty good for a two pump, especially for the era it was printed it.

Decent card that gets a solid half star bonus for flavor.
Posted By: MrCookie (9/11/2012 10:07:26 PM)


I am a big fan of the "Love Song of Night and Day" cards. Great poem and the selection they picked works great with this card. My favorite still has to be Unfulfilled Desires though. Great flavor on this card in any case and flanking was sweet back in the day.
Posted By: bewarellamas (2/11/2013 1:43:41 PM)


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