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Community Rating: 3.763 / 5  (95 votes)
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This is like some bizarre lovechild between Primeval Titan and Terastodon, and almost a suitable replacement for the former in EDH. Both abilities are quite beneficial and upside for you, and if you have blink effects, this can be abused with impunity, unlike Terastodon.
Posted By: Keiya (1/28/2013 4:26:02 AM)


I really disapprove this kind of card. It's too much of a haymaker, netting a 7-for-1 advantage in casual games with 4 players. This would be acceptable if it had a real drawback. Instead, it's also a 6/8, which is humongous.

This thing really needed to be more expensive, or put the lands under the control of your opponents.
Posted By: Shiizu (2/7/2013 3:51:12 PM)


Stupidly good - blow something up AND get a forest, why not?! Very powerful, and while the late-game ramp isn't great, it is still basically free since you also to destroy something. Very amazing in Commander.
Posted By: Radagast (2/12/2013 2:22:46 PM)


I vacuum this may be one of the best primordials. But white and blue have the most effective ways to abuse etb effects thus making their primordials the strongest ones.
Posted By: AncientTimer (2/15/2013 2:47:11 AM)


Doesn't this kill planeswalkers?!

Mayael the Anima is pleased.
Posted By: a7wingedsheep (3/1/2013 11:55:01 PM)


Way too good for its cost. Just a pure monster in EDH, I just got one for my Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord deck. Removes basically all threats I can't deal with otherwise. Creature removal comes easy for my deck, but non-creature removal like this plus ramp is Christmas come early.
Posted By: Wurmcaller (4/20/2013 9:18:41 PM)


I put it straight into my Yeva, Nature's Herald Edh, flashing him in has already proven hilarious.
Posted By: poprockmonster (4/25/2013 8:14:57 AM)


EDH Gold. No Prime Time, but the next best thing. Fun Rite of Replication target, can end the game with Deadeye Navigator or Progenitor Mimic.
Posted By: Tzenmoroth (5/20/2013 1:06:34 PM)


I put this in a G/U Ramp deck with a bunch of ETB creatures like Sphinx of Uthuun and Borderland Ranger. In a multiplayer game, I get at least 3-5 Forests (including any shocklands such as Breeding Pool). Combined with Deadeye Navigator, I blow up everyone's land and thin out my deck. People tend to hate me after that.

4.5/5. Solid fatty for green players.
Posted By: Shadowstar108 (5/28/2013 9:56:41 AM)


Use responsibly in Multiplayer.
Posted By: PopcornBunni (7/25/2013 8:35:24 AM)


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