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I'm running the Marath Will of the Wild deck as a big creature +1/+1 counter deck. Anyone have any good replacements for this? It seems everytime I put a big green land grabber in, it gets banned.

Right after wizards tricked my whole group into buying new commander decks too...
Posted By: Vulf (2/21/2014 11:32:51 AM)


This should not be banned in EDH! I just bought one for that very reason god dammit! You know what should be banned? Deadeye Navigator! Stop banning fair green acceleration and start banning cards that are actually broken and unfair.

Primeval Titan makes sense because it's ANY land where as this is ONLY forest cards.

4/5 for being a pretty decent bomb.
Posted By: Eternal_Planeswalker (2/21/2014 9:10:52 PM)


This is ban for the LD effect not the land draw. Ya I'm glad to see it go. Now for Tooth and Nail to hit the list please.
Posted By: RetroGamer3 (2/25/2014 2:44:37 PM)


I'm rather glad they banned this in commander. I feel (felt) too unfair in playing it!
You can probably tell that I'm not much for Blue if I say that kind of thing!
Posted By: AnnoyingFogGuy (3/26/2014 8:57:39 PM)


Should not be banned in EDH. Just more love for control and aggro decks and more hate for blink and reanimator decks.
Posted By: AhegaoGuy (4/28/2014 11:46:07 AM)


Why don't you just go ahead and ban forests? ...really disappointed about this...
I really wish you would ban the cards that break cards like this, I don't even play commander anymore because everyone thinks playing these soulless infinite combo and denying you the ability to play the game is fun, wizards must too, because they're allowing all these broken combos to keep ruining games. If your going to ban our answers to them, at least ban the problems, if your not going to fix the problems people are having, why impose a ban list on a casual format? Would you like to know how many lands I've ever destroyed with sylvan primordial? ZERO, yes ZERO, would you like to know how many DIFFERENT strangers land locked me or pulled a fast infinite combo? Eight different people, in the last two weeks, I get really sick of people tutoring for dead eye navigator and going off EVERY GAME. I'm not upset because you banned the primordial, I'm amazed at that you think it's alright to ignore these probl... (see all)
Posted By: rngiles87 (5/16/2014 4:37:17 AM)


it says it's banned in commander on this site https://www.wizards.com/Magic/TCG/Resources.aspx?x=magic/rules/100cardsingleton-commander
but not on gatherer in the Sets & Legality section. So what's the deal?
until i see it there i'm not believing that it's banned because there are plenty of other cards that are more "destructive" to EDH, like Stoneforge Mystic. effffff that
Posted By: raptorman333 (5/22/2014 9:33:47 AM)


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