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cipher an unblockable creature, then put breath of fury on a different creature. play mass hysteria. attack infinitely.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (4/26/2013 5:07:42 PM)


Now I can play two Spitting Images in EDH. Awesome.
Posted By: syrazemyla (5/17/2013 12:34:55 PM)


Oh, my. This one, plus Aurelia, the Warleader, the new June 2013 legend rule, and you get infinite attacks.
Posted By: scole66 (5/22/2013 10:23:13 PM)


Ciphering this onto my Deathcult Rogue so I can constantly make copies of either Consuming Aberration or Dinrova Horror is frighteningly effective. The mana cost is high enough to make you think twice about using it but for what it does, its well worth the cost.

Posted By: Hyperviper (5/24/2013 6:44:47 PM)


If I understand correctly, I can encode this on a Wanderwine Prophets, make it unblockable with Merfolk Sovereign, and champion Merrow Harbinger with the tokens to tutor up a merfolk on my infinite turns?
Posted By: XepherXero (7/7/2013 10:43:32 PM)


i run this with in my nivmagus cipher deck and it is the most ridiculous card when it hits. repeatable cloning is not to be underestimated.
Posted By: FaceClaimer (7/29/2013 2:15:04 AM)


Since no one ever thinks of flying anymore, I combo this with Jelenn Sphinx, Council of the Absolute, and Lavinia of the Tenth XD Once I have 5 or 6 of them copied, their (Jelenn Sphinxes's) effects stack for immense damage... But this is only a standard deck idea using M14 and Return to Ravnica blocks.
Posted By: SwiftSpirits (8/1/2013 9:45:08 PM)


Wait... creature or artifact?
Why haven't I seen that before? :P
Posted By: Svartben (9/22/2013 3:17:48 AM)


Turns out to be really good with triggering Heroic in the new standard. I knew there was a reason DJCHiLL813 picked up that playset...
Posted By: ThisisSakon (9/28/2013 2:38:48 PM)


Want infinite attack steps? You need this, Aurelia, and a creature that can't be blocked. Step 1: Encode Stolen Identity onto the evasive creature. Step 2: Attack with the creature and Aurelia. Step 3: Deal combat damage. Step 4: Copy Aurelia. The new Legendary rules require you to sacrifice identical Legendary permanents until only one remains. Choose the fresh Aurelia Token to survive. Remind your opponent that the token hasn't attacked yet this turn. Step 5: Go to Step 2.
Posted By: GingerGiant (10/8/2013 11:36:44 AM)


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