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While I agree, it isn't a stellar card, it's a common, it's not supposed to be. It is very useful mana acceleration, and the life has helped out in a tight spot occasionally. It's especially useful with cards that untap lands, like Arbor Elves or the Greenside Watcher, both of which have been mentioned already, and they get even better if you put multiple on a single land, allowing you 3 mana in a single arbor elf.
Posted By: chetoos (2/7/2013 8:37:45 AM)


Now this is what an enchant land should be at common. Not bad and not great but playable!
Posted By: deserter (1/25/2013 12:11:09 PM)


I really like the art, but this is strictly worse than Utopia Sprawl, and the life gain is negligible.
Posted By: forestlore44 (1/22/2013 4:07:29 PM)


Arbor Elf to accel the acceleration.
Posted By: Purplerooster (1/25/2013 12:10:30 PM)


I thought about attaching it to a Gate and using Greenside Watcher to untap the Gate and and spam the ability. It could help solidify a shaky mana base this way(as well as ramp a deck), couldn't it?
Posted By: Nihilist1 (1/26/2013 12:55:14 PM)


Nice in limited, but...
Posted By: Domak (2/4/2013 8:29:59 PM)


This is, afaik, the only color fixing gatecrash has for limited aside from keyrunes.

Take it or leave it.
Posted By: mdakw576 (2/4/2013 11:40:24 PM)


Turn 1: Untapped Forest-X Shockland, Arbor Elf. (18)
Turn 2: Some red land card, Verdant Haven on the Shockland. (18-opponent damage)
Turn 3: Some land, Ruric Thar, The Unbowed. (18-opponent damage)

Somewhere during Turn 4, your opponent either scoops, because they can't deal with a 6/6 Vigilant Reacher with their creatures (negates Thragtusk rather quickly...) or cries a little because they did (at least) 6 to themselves in order to kill one creature. Even if they wipe your creatures, you could drop a Thragtusk or another fatty next turn with the 4-5 mana you're gonna have. Midrange Naya? It's a thing...
Posted By: carbondragon (5/13/2013 12:54:25 AM)


Some kid told me that ever time I tap this card, not only I get extra mana in my pool, but I get an additional 2hp. Can anyone confirm pls?
Posted By: MyndphysEX (7/9/2013 10:55:05 PM)


@chetoos: "Commons are not supposed to be good"? That's some of the biggest *** I've ever heard. Have you forgotten how Delver of Secrets dominated Standard a few sets ago? And how Doom Blade, until recently, was a common, and that Lightning Bolt and Dark Ritual have always been common? Commons can be just as powerful as rares or mythic rares; what commons REALLY are meant to be are "simpler" and better for Limited. Saying a card is excused from being "bad" because it's common is not a valid argument.
Posted By: Tiggurix (10/18/2013 2:38:48 PM)


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