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Community Rating: 4.312 / 5  (207 votes)
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Hey look, another amazing utility card printed at Mythic instead of Rare. It's Lotus Cobra all over again, except now people are so desensitized that they don't even bother raging against it any more.

Obviously this is a powerful card, as plenty of others have stated. It should have been Rare, not Mythic.
Posted By: Yoss (10/16/2013 9:36:29 AM)


As a control player, Im frightened, I hope something in 'Theros' comes out to stop the Elemental beatdown, or it will be another year of Aggro

Edit: It would apear that Mono Blue Devotion has dethroned Aggro as the deck to beat atm

4.5/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (10/25/2013 8:58:11 PM)


Such a {G}{W} card in terms of flavour it's ridiculous... also a very good card too!
Posted By: tcollins (11/3/2013 12:43:59 PM)


I love how people complain about the price of legacy and this guy is still $40+

Anyway, he's quite the pub-stomper and tows a nice set of effects but even with an entire paragraph of triggered abilities and a giant pricetag but most would rather just run Qasali Pridemage (less than $0.50) I'd wager.
Posted By: blurrymadness (11/13/2013 10:53:37 AM)


Reminds me of Eyes of the Wisent
Posted By: trowa_barton03 (11/25/2013 4:14:15 PM)


Hey mdakw576... There is this thing WG has called populate. Ever heard of it? No? It's this neat little thing that lets you take ANY creature token, for example, that convenient little wayfaring temple elemental token left behind by that 2 drop up there... and makes a copy of it. So, in other words, you can constantly replicate your wayfaring temples. Lets see grand abolisher do that.
Posted By: tylertheannihilator (12/7/2013 1:30:19 PM)


Look guys -- this card is great, period. By that I mean, incredibly useful without being utterly broken. There is NO reason for anyone to whine about this card being unfair or about "control Magic sucking right now" when there are regularly Esper control decks top-8'ing in Standard at the moment. There are a million ways to get rid of this card altogether, and a million ways to board wipe ALL creatures, or quickly and easily get rid of ALL your tokens (i.e. Ratchet Bomb). Don't hate because it's part of a deck type you don't prefer to play.
Posted By: mattrva77 (12/27/2013 11:52:27 PM)


If only this could be played in a Bant deck with Master of Waves...
Posted By: Mythikdawn (12/28/2013 1:43:29 PM)


Ewww, why does every block have to have that one card that's grossly overpowered...
Posted By: RamenAwesome (1/15/2014 10:42:55 PM)


Modern GreenWhite is blowing up to some ridiculous powerlevel lately;
From the one-drop, over that gal with her pony or lil' toots here up to the populatable 4 mana 5/5 with flash and trample.

But yeah.
On my cap, this moose here earns the title big cheese of cheesiness by a quite a bit.
Feel free to put some effort into counters and instant-speed point removal - even if you swing for the board swipe you hand me a Scion of Wilderness that I can populate my field with - all as an extra for a 2 mana 2/2.

And no, mdawk567, a */* on creatures on my board is typically not gonna stop growing at 3/3 in a GreenWhite aggro and token populate pile.
Toss your Supreme Verdict at me if you must, my Loxodon Hierarch was trained just for the case Gaddock/autocard... (see all)
Posted By: IndubitableSalmon (2/11/2014 5:14:17 AM)


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