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Community Rating: 4.312 / 5  (207 votes)
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Seems pretty cool, though you only need to kill it on your turn so as to only spawn a single token. It'll most likely be a 1/1 so something as simple as Golgari Charm or Illness in the Ranks would wrap up that issue.
Posted By: spiney (5/20/2013 5:42:29 AM)


I guess we know what guild the R&D department likes the most! Seems to me that almost every ridiculous card in Dragon's Maze and RTR comes from Selesnya.
Posted By: Roque14 (5/24/2013 7:24:31 AM)


5/5 for the artwork.
Posted By: ojchahine6 (5/29/2013 9:07:59 PM)


Should have been a legend. It's powerful and feels mythic.
Too expensive tho, can't afford it T_T
Posted By: whoiam (5/31/2013 3:55:08 AM)


This card is great in just about every way. Name, flavor, art, function, game function ... The only downside, is the "barrier to entry" that others have pointed out.

It's definitely powerful, but it's definitely beatable. Pillar of Flame just one-shots him right off the bat, and anything that kills it without it "dying" is good too (e.g., Terminus, Detention Sphere, Field Hunter, Merciless Eviction). That said, this guy is often a 2-for-1 in "fair" creature combat, and sometimes the token can just lock down the board and threaten to win the game.
Posted By: arise_shine (5/31/2013 1:02:36 PM)


Okay, I can not be the only one who sees this artwork and can't help but think of the cover of the Mastodon album Blood Mountain.

For all of you people complaining how this is another wallet-wrecker mythic, which was essentially created to be a tournament staple that dictated you drop over a hundred dollars for a playset just so your WG deck can compete, I feel obligated to point out that Wizards of the Coast is owned by Hasbro.

I forget; what's the number of franchises that they own and mandate highly suspect decisions be made; decisions which are purely designed to mug their consumers of as much cash as quickly as possible? Oh yeah, I remember; all of them.

So yeah, this thing is nasty, but there are still at least a few of ways dealing with it just in the block alone. Annihilating Fire and Detention Sphere can get rid of it the turn after it drops, Sla... (see all)
Posted By: DaMaster012 (6/3/2013 12:51:12 PM)


Buddy has 4 of these in his deck and I must say it seems very unbalanced. Not much you can do when one of these hits the field on turn 2 with another one waiting in his hand.
Posted By: TomWarleader (6/4/2013 2:54:30 PM)


I don't know why people complain so much about the price. When this card was first previewed, it was 20$ When the set was released, it was 25. It was obviously a card that was going to skyrocket in value, so the time to get them was right then. I didn't pay 100 dollars for my play set. I got lucky and pulled one, traded a bunch of stuff for two, and bought the last one with cash. Its already paid for itself (and then some) in the tournament prize packs I've won because of it.

Money isn't as big an issue if you stay ahead of the curve. And if you aren't interested in that, well, why play competitive Magic? Throw some cheap stuff together and have fun with your friends.
Posted By: joeah100 (6/11/2013 3:38:06 AM)


I run four in my Grixis deck. Why? Because of the price tag.
Posted By: kor6sic6 (6/15/2013 9:04:24 AM)


A well placed gaze of granite/rift/devastation tide should wipe out those tokens no prob....its good but i think this cards value is exaggerated, the opponent will play around it till they can neutralize it. Hoses control a bit but not nearly as much as cavern of souls.

On another note, the game has become so estranged from its original form i hardly think we can take this seriously. Nothing against that, change is natural. But i don't feel good about this mixing with extended/legacy formats, its too gamebreaking on top of all the other blue hate. I sense a banhammer coming. And the reason it's not a legend, just like primordial hydra and sublime arch, is because they are too good to be fair commanders. Sigh, it should make a token either when it dies or when they play the spell, not both.

Yet...can u say card advantage?

Edit--as of a month of the launch this is by far the most expensive card in a recent standard since Mind Sculptor, exceeding the usual 30-35$ cap with its now avera... (see all)
Posted By: patronofthesound (6/19/2013 3:43:41 AM)


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