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Community Rating: 1.906 / 5  (53 votes)
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If WotC hadn't been *** stupid and ruined their iconic look, slivers wouldn't have resembled humans to begin with.
Posted By: Tiggurix (7/9/2013 3:50:54 PM)


Terrible new direction for slivers. Just terrible.
Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (7/11/2013 9:06:36 AM)


That's not a sliver.
Posted By: tcollins (7/31/2013 3:46:24 PM)


A 2/3 for 3 is acceptable for limited. But the buff it gives to other slivers is really bad. Sliver decks are normally aggressive creature based decks (in rare cases combo decks). Giving one toughness to your slivers doesn't fit into the "aggressive creature deck" role, and thus doesn't help the sliver decks.
Posted By: majinara (7/11/2013 1:38:16 AM)


Second-worst of the new slivers, with Sliver Construct landing the bottom spot.
Posted By: Continue (7/16/2013 2:14:44 PM)


I give this credit for cool flavor text
Posted By: Cygore (7/17/2013 8:50:27 AM)


It's not that granting toughness is bad (though gaining power is usually better). It was fine on Plated Sliver. The problem with this card is just that it's overcosted, plain and simple.
Posted By: sonorhC (8/23/2013 8:37:37 AM)


I think people are judging this too harshly. No, it doesn't look like the slivers of eld you're used to. But that's the whole point of the M14 slivers -- and I think it really works. Their strength was always their rapid "evolution" so to speak, and just like monkeys eventually became humans, the little beaked prawns from 15 years ago (our time) have collectively evolved into the slivers in the M14 set. I rate this one a 3 or 3.5, but overall I personally LOVE the look and feel of the new slivers.

Leaving behind your biases, which as one other commentator pointed out are probably the reasoning behind the ridiculously low rating of this card, this guy isn't THAT bad. The flavor text makes it clear that the slivers have to some extent "chosen" (for lack of a better word) to take on a more hominid form. Why is that so unbelievable? They've been able to sprout wings, get huge, and do all sorts of other things within the course of ONE GAME.

Do you need 4 of them in a constructed s... (see all)
Posted By: mattrva77 (9/16/2013 8:04:02 PM)


This card's not strong because of its own ability, but in a Sliver deck, it'll be another body that's getting the buffs from all your other Slivers while adding its own little bonus. It's no Sinew Sliver, but it'll be nice to have in draft Sliver decks and playable even outside of that.

At least now its rating has finally overtaken Sliver Construct's.
Posted By: Fanaticmogg (2/3/2014 4:43:28 AM)


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