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Community Rating: 2.011 / 5  (46 votes)
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"Betcha didn't see THAT coming, did'cha? Ha!"

- Assassin shortly before dripping on a loose stone and impaling himself on his knife.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (11/14/2013 7:31:57 PM)


for extra flavor points, use this on an omenspeaker.
Posted By: Shadowcaster3975 (12/26/2013 12:51:02 PM)


Another flavor win, but reaaallly, it could have been ok at 2BlackBlack - or at least be an instant!
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (9/17/2013 5:00:06 PM)


Wow this is bad. There's so much more to do in black with six mana than destroy a creature.
Posted By: DaLucaray (9/17/2013 4:00:14 PM)


I think R&D is trying to find out how bad they can make removal before people stop playing it in limited. They still haven't reached it yet, but they sure are plumbing the depths.
Posted By: EyeballFrog (11/5/2013 1:31:48 AM)


i am surprised it did not cost 10.
Posted By: chainsmoker (9/18/2013 5:35:39 AM)


Sorcery speed for 6? Should cost 5 and be instant and still could be fair.
Posted By: BryceCarmony (9/25/2013 5:00:53 PM)


Bad removal is bad.
Posted By: BloodCrank (9/22/2013 5:55:01 PM)


Why should black be good at disposing of creatures, anyway? R&D said playtesters didn't like it when their creatures died.
Posted By: KasaiAisu (9/27/2013 4:57:13 AM)


Remember, this is the Voltron block. Your opponent probably has about 8 mana, 3 cards and even worse, 3 turns sitting across from you in one body, waiting for an opening. For 6 mana and one turn, you wipe out all that energy, and at worst, end up with 2 much smaller creatures that stopped being relevant several turns ago. Plus your opponent moves closer to his inevitable demise.

You hear a whole bunch of people complaining about "I can't get past the Voltron, slow format", when they passed 2 of these in the draft and ended up running a Sick Horse. This is not bad in context. Admittedly, the context is weak removal, but still.

At 4 mana, this would completely hose Bestow and Heroic, except for the high power rares (i.e. about 2 of your 40 cards). At 5, it'd be on the fence. But if you're passing this in draft because "It's bad removal", you're not focused on the threat you'll actually be facing in this block, which is "Pants on Pants".... (see all)
Posted By: deworde2510 (2/26/2014 2:38:48 PM)


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