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Community Rating: 3.848 / 5  (99 votes)
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Now THIS is a Magma Jet.
Posted By: .Blaze. (9/17/2013 4:23:45 PM)


I like the old art better.
Posted By: Taudisban (9/17/2013 11:52:48 PM)


Red just should not have library manipulation, 6/5

And alas, we have more lost Avacyn Restored art.
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (9/19/2013 8:09:17 PM)


I run four in my vintage burn deck:

1 Wheel of Fortune
4 Ball Lightning
4 Chain Lightning
4 Fireblast
4 Flame Rift
4 Flamebreak
4 Lava Spike
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Magma Jet
4 Rift Bolt
4 Searing Blaze

2 Scalding Tarn
17 Mountain

60 Total

It's helped innumerable times to get out of land messes.

I can't believe WotC opted to lose any Justin Sweet art, though. Bad idea, IMHO.
Posted By: emlit (10/13/2013 7:37:55 PM)


Newer players might be fooled and think the 1 extra damage provided by Searing Spear (w/e its reprint is called) might make that card better, but the ability to bottom those extra lands you'd be drawing in your aggressive deck is invaluable. There's a reason some modern burn decks play this.
Posted By: Fenix. (9/18/2013 7:59:15 AM)


Likely gonna see the mainboard of my gruul standard deck. While I prefer Mizzium Mortars' straight up power for removal (2 extra punching power and 4 extra mana punches through hexproof), the flexibility of being able to burn someone's face and scry for 2 is fantastic.

Plays well with Firedrinker Satyr.
Posted By: HotHit (9/18/2013 12:34:52 PM)


Efficient enough and Scry 2 gives many more options than just Scry 1. 4/5.
Posted By: Purplerooster (9/18/2013 9:14:50 PM)


So, damn, good. Love the new artwork too. Scry 2 in Red you have to realize is very powerful. 4.5/5
Posted By: Silence9 (10/11/2013 12:13:05 PM)


*Eh, hem!* Technically, magma becomes lava when it reaches the earth's surface so I'm sorry wizards, but you misnamed this card.
Now, being *** aside, I absolutely love this card. It should be a 4 of in every red burn deck in standard hands down. Red is infamous for losing gas inthe late game but between this and the new Chandra, red now has some draw/fixing to use as extra fuel to keep throwing on the fire!
Posted By: Grixish (10/19/2013 1:46:03 PM)


Planeswalker 1 : "Would you consider using shock?"

Planeswalker 2: "Uhh.. I might."

Planeswalker 1: "Would you pay (1) to control the next two cards of your library and lean toward favorable outcomes?"

Planeswalker 2: "..Yea that's really efficient, i'd play that."

Planeswalker 1: "Meet your new girlfriend, Magma 'Joan' Jet."
Posted By: shockmoney (11/11/2013 4:49:01 PM)


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