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Give it infect and your opponent goes into panic mode. Basilisk Collar is great too. Remember, he doesn't tap, so he can swing for his four even after clearing the field.
Posted By:
(9/10/2011 4:25:45 PM)
For when you absolutely must get those last points of damage in. A 4/5 body isn't shabby either.
And the art is amazing! A giant Jacob's ladder slug-creature? Why didn't we see more of this?
Posted By:
(4/30/2012 11:05:40 AM)
comes down T5, T6 swings for 4, proceed to throw your library at the opponent for 8. Awesome.
@ Kirbster
there's not much risk of decking yourself if your opponent is already dead.
Posted By:
(8/7/2013 7:58:53 AM)
rating 5/5 to compensate for all the ignorant people rating him down.
I made a monored burn deck centering on this godly beast and war elemental just to teach casual players two valuable lessons:1-How the stack works (elemental+instant burn) and 2-A valuable resource you are not using and will not use is not valuable at all.
Its really funny,people look at the resolved elemental and know immediately that they must neutralize it ASAP,but they see the slogger and the usual reaction is some weird look and disdain.The next turn I untap and by then its too late for them,I remove all but a few cards from my library and they die a quick death,even when they had some kind of removal.
The second game they usually let it stay too,still not sure if the first time was a fluke.
By the third game they already learned their lesson and deal with him accordingly,the Slogger has earned their respect by the sheer power of the Shock.
P.S.:If anything goes sour,a... (see all)
Posted By:
(12/30/2013 8:02:30 PM)
You weren't going to use those last 40 cards anyway...
Posted By:
(5/22/2014 12:58:24 PM)