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Community Rating: 4.731 / 5  (1174 votes)
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What I love about this card is how it works as a test. If your a noob (and we have all been there) you think it sucks. If your good or experienced, you think it is completely broken. Black Lotus is hands down the best card in the game. It is a crime that this thing is not 5 stars. It is (as someone else said) the Holy Grail of Magic.

Some may argue that other members of the Power 9 and other good cards are the best. Mainly, Ancestral Recall and Time Walk. While these cards break the game in half as well, they can't be put into any deck the way that the Black Lotus can. Technically, you can but they wont be good if your playing non-blue. Black Lotus improves any deck.

Some of the people who rate this down are upset about the massive price tag and how the they can't be competitive in Vintage without it. If you don't want to pay thousands of dollars on cards, go play Legacy. Its banned there, I believe (I'm not a tournament player) so jus... (see all)
Posted By: JFM2796 (7/30/2011 4:38:58 PM)


It's banned in Legacy cuz it's black. Racist Legacy bastards :P
Posted By: 001010011100101110 (9/18/2011 5:22:04 PM)


Best possible starting hand (Prove me wrong):

Black Lotus (x2)
Grimoire Thief
Paradise Mantle
Freed from the Real
Force of Will
And some random other blue card.

Lotus x2 gets you 6 blue mana, get mantle on your grimoire thief, then freed from the real. Tap him for one blue, and mill 3, then pay that blue to untap, and tap again...

Instant victory against any number of opponents on turn one, with a counterspell to spare.

All thanks to the magical powers of the black lotus. Thank you black lotus.
Posted By: SevesDariku (10/18/2013 7:07:53 PM)


Garfield decided from the start that the power of cards would be based on rarity-Long before they even began supporting drafts-and this was the hardest card to find in packs. I guess some things never change.
Posted By: Tzenmoroth (7/23/2013 1:57:37 PM)


What can be said about this card that hasn't been said before....

Magic was young, this card was just part of its growing process, before magic could understand its full potential.
Posted By: GangrenousKhan (7/1/2009 3:05:11 AM)


I think is the best card cause it let's the caster use high level magic at at the beggining of the game, plus you can play it at anytime you are in need of mana since it gives you 3 mana of ANY color.. just perfect, imagine what combos can be made...
Posted By: SwordSkill (9/20/2009 3:49:39 PM)


Who is this idiot who didn't give Lotus a 5? This card deserves a 10 for crying out loud...
Posted By: True_Mumin (6/15/2009 6:10:38 AM)


My buddy played this. I thought it was over. then richard garfield smiled over me and I drew Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper. He surrendered unconditionally, ripped up his lotus, and ate the bits.
Posted By: Youlose20life (1/29/2011 2:48:23 AM)


Still trying to figure out how this card is not in the top 10 artifacts on this site. ???? Clearly one of the most powerful items in the game. Why is it banned? Hmmm... with 4 in hand, you could cast virtually any spell in the game on turn 1. Yep.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (2/16/2010 11:57:25 AM)


Such a crap card. Shouldn't even be banned. Its card disadvantage and its just like a super land that you use once. Over hyped. should be two cents at most. ;p (sarcasm)
Posted By: FugimSky (11/16/2010 10:01:13 PM)


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