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Oh...I did not see the "out of the game" part...do.ob In my opinion, I would rather have these than have Path to Exile. Well, maybe half and half.

Path to Exile gives your opponent an extra land. THIS, on the other hand, removes it from the game, and can cost at least 0 because of its convoke cost. The only downer is if its an attacking or blocking creature. But still good, nonetheless.
Posted By: Jokergius (9/12/2009 12:40:34 PM)



The other downer is it's expense compared to Path. Yes it has convoke, but there are going to be times when you aren't going to want to {T} your creatures.
Posted By: VirtueVsVice (11/22/2009 3:52:02 AM)


Actually something cannot be lowered below 0 mana cost through convoke...
Posted By: wholelottalove (9/27/2012 11:46:39 AM)


Hm... other than the Convoke ability, I am getting a very Boros vibe from this.
Posted By: Totema (4/22/2012 7:46:29 PM)


Tier 1 removal card imo...it's monocolored, exiles, costs three or less. Better than stp and condemn in aggro decks where you will often have a critter to tap and you cant afford to give them extra time. Only true downside is that it doesn't stop the block if used on the offensive.
Posted By: patronofthesound (7/8/2013 11:07:36 PM)


"As an additional cost to cast Devouring Light, you may sacrifice any number of Spirits."
Posted By: OlvynChuru (4/20/2014 7:28:11 AM)


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