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Community Rating: 4.266 / 5  (64 votes)
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Goro here will rip your head into four pieces.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (5/2/2011 3:54:48 PM)


This card costs 4 mana. Look closely.
Posted By: KrosanGardener (8/7/2009 11:57:23 PM)


Guardian beasts is busted... First off its indestructibility for your artifacts, and prevents them from being enchanted, which sucks for power artifact combos, but lets face it if your comboing out with power artifact, you probably dont need indestructibility... and it costs 3 and 1B not 1... But still a 2/4 for 4 that makes your artifacts indestructible, unenchantable, and unstealable? BUSTED!
Posted By: Kamah1 (4/30/2009 7:10:14 PM)


Type your comment here.Deliciously broken.

No matter what you say about the effects, it's a 2/4 one-drop. I mean, really. And there's no downside at all, which makes it much funnier. It's like Argothian Worm but better!
Posted By: PhantomdotEXE (3/12/2009 4:34:07 PM)


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