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out of interest what would happen if i dropped mirror gallery and two gisela? would the effect stack like multiple doubling seasons or just double
Posted By: bluedarky (4/28/2012 11:04:53 PM)


...So she's basically a 10/10 first striking flier by herself, plus insane boosts to everything else you've got and can cause a lot of infighting.

Surprisingly, I think I like her. She's at least got an original ability, rather than some other legendary angels from this block I might mention.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (5/3/2012 4:15:11 PM)


She is absolutely awesome and a welcome addition to my reanimator deck. She is, however, not broken. Making her indestructible or hexproof would have broken her but she is entirely susceptible to doom blade, dismember,go for the throught, etc.
Posted By: AphoticRegret (5/6/2012 12:24:52 AM)


I just had to make another magic related rap when I saw these angels and what they can do >.> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgucomu5rus&list=UUEWfBjIGKanFHaUrxBrl3lw&index=1&feature=plcp

I think I'm obsessed with magic...
Posted By: Marsh-D-Teach (5/8/2012 3:29:14 PM)


This card is capable of ending the game the turn she enters the battlefield, and she doesn't even have to attack.
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (5/11/2012 6:26:11 PM)


I would say she is great in multi-player, but in my experience playing her equals instant death on your part. Someone may take advantage of the doubling to kill someone else as well if they can also kill you that turn.

Great fun with anything else that says "Double" and also any impressive burn. My personal favorite for her in EDH is Brightflame. Assuming you play it the next turn and have 8 mana to work with, you have 8 damage to their general and hence to all their non-colorless creatures... then gain that much life. If you lose after that, you messed up or got really unlucky.

Just for fun, lets say you play her, Four Furnace of Rath, four Inquisitor's flail, Four Quest for Pure Flame and four Gratuitous Violence. (I know how impossible this all is, and I know that I could go further) Swing for 5*2^(17) = 655,360 Damage.
Posted By: Enelysios (6/22/2012 11:47:22 PM)


Kaalia's army of Angel's, Demons, and Dragons couldn't be complete without the shining blade of Goldnight aiding her resolve.

At first, her, Avacyn, and Griselbrand settled their dispute for the greater good of Kaalia, but they soon realized that the demon was just too powerful, and banned him from the format.

And no, it wasn't a banning community or WotC, it was the angels. 100% not a lie to make a cool story.
Posted By: Ferlord (8/7/2012 9:25:21 PM)


She has become one of my favorite cards. Beautiful, powerful, and really gives depth to my Boros deck. I don't think I have ever lost a game in which she hit the table as most players have used up their removal by then.

Posted By: Whiplash5M (8/28/2013 12:19:27 PM)


Broken in EDH, though if she wanted to be boros, she would have double strike instead of first strike and deal the double damage effectively quadrupling the original damage. On the bright side since your boros deck can effectively give anything double strike (it just takes a Sunhome) then you can make up for her not having double strike. Don't get me wrong she's still a 5/5 in my book just because she's abusable, I just wish she had double strike to show her true colors, that's all.
Posted By: BorosGeneral (4/26/2012 4:33:30 PM)


Does anyone even play dragons in Kaalia anymore?
Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (4/30/2012 8:07:15 AM)


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