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With shroud it's even better than Darksteel Colossus (nowadays).
Posted By: True_Smog (3/7/2010 5:50:23 AM)


While I like Darksteel more, Inkwell does make a very good replacement for him.
Posted By: John-Bender (4/9/2010 3:20:59 PM)


It really is this or the Darksteel Colossus.
Tough choice.
The Iron man has Indestrucability, but that only causes him to be Path of Exiled, or Oblivion Ringed. This guy has a soild toughness, and can't be the target of spells or abilities and has an evasion ability to boot, if you use Convincing Mirage.
Real tough choice.
Posted By: Spideredd (4/14/2010 4:58:09 PM)


@robbinhood Goliath sphinx is a good card to play but the luck of any kind of protection is really important if you play against serious constructed decks. If you play a sphinx for 7 mana and you dont have 2 spare lands for a counter you will probably end up with a removed from the game sphinx with 7 mana tapped for nothing before your turn is over... So you actually need to have 9 mana for the sphinx, thats why Inkwell is a much much better deal, the fact that it has overshadowed darksteel colossus , a heavy played card in many artifact decks proves leviathan's value in play.

@bpmbrent you cant target a creature with shroud so rite of replication won't work
Posted By: vardaris (5/19/2010 7:23:10 PM)


Vampire Nighthawk. Common sight these days.

Anyway, I love this guy.
I just need to get around to buying four.
Posted By: Eved (6/20/2010 8:32:24 PM)


This thing is awesome. Shroud and trample are devastating but if your opponent plays blue (or if you make one of his or her lands an Island) he or she is in for trouble. Pricey card but its well worth the investment.
Posted By: Azuredrake89 (7/20/2010 2:39:56 PM)


Clone him =)
Posted By: n00bmag1 (8/1/2010 6:06:06 AM)


I have a question if somebody could help that would be great if your playing two-headed giant and you attack with the leviathan, and just one of the other opponents has islandwalk can the other player block for him?
Posted By: counter_king (8/26/2010 6:11:41 AM)


True Mumin, that's right, I missed the shroud.
Posted By: bagilis (8/30/2010 12:00:48 AM)


I imprint this on Summoner's Eggs then Pongify the egg. A 7/11 with trample and shroud is just plain evil, even without a quick-play combo. Eleven toughness! That's just insane! Islandwalk might not be the best unblockable sort of ability, but it's hardly that much of a problem since you're not going to get him killed unless your opponent has 11 damage lined up for their attackers (which is nice if you lure them into blocking then bounce/tap enough creatures to keep the leviathan alive). I've yet to see a game that I can't win after playing Inkwell Leviathan. He simply isn't going down when you're running control (and your opponent wastes a massive amount of resources in the process). He's not the most damaging giant creature, but he doesn't need to be.
Posted By: Zaneshift (9/7/2010 4:39:58 PM)


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