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This is one of those beautiful cards that is great without being overpowered. It effectively costs one to play for an awesome effect, but you have to have at least three mana and one land available (wizards should print more cards with this kind of balance). What a home run.
Klauth, Wort never says that you PLAY the copy (without paying its mana cost, in which case you WOULD have to sacrifice a land), so no, you won't have to sacrifice an extra land. Go Wort!
Posted By: Selez (1/5/2010 8:03:59 PM)


Getting countered hurts, but probably not more than stacking landfalls like you're on fire. And I'm sure there are even more lands besides those that have already been mentioned that would love to come out and play with it.
Posted By: GradiustheFox (3/3/2010 3:39:33 AM)


Question: if I Cascaded into Harrow - Or cast it by some similar means, would I still sac a land?

(I'm assuming not currently)
Posted By: Megiddo-Ramanujan (3/4/2010 10:54:02 AM)


this card begs to be used with lotus cobras
Posted By: splitego (3/30/2010 2:27:00 PM)


Blatantly obvious combo with landfall. Serve it up to any creature with that mechanic and watch the death begin.

As a straight land-fetch, not as cost effective as other alternatives including Rampant Growth.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (4/21/2010 12:45:08 PM)


@Gezus - you couldn't play it, since it's an additional cost

@megiddo - You would still have to sac a land. Cascade lets you cast it without paying its mana cost, but you still have to pay any additional costs.
Posted By: littlebeast (2/1/2011 4:59:55 PM)


This can be pretty hilarious in a green/blue deck. Let's say that you have three forests untapped and no islands untapped. So...

Opponent: "I cast !"

You: "In response, I cast Harrow."

Opponent: "Uh, what?"

You: "So I'll sac a forest... and search for two islands."

Opponent: "Well, ok... oh right."

You: "Counterspell!"
Posted By: OlvynChuru (5/25/2014 8:41:02 AM)


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