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Community Rating: 2.533 / 5  (46 votes)
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Odd that a man riding what appears to be a Ceradon would have 0 power...
Posted By: Kaizeischi (2/21/2011 3:38:05 PM)


I always really liked the art on this card. I've never put him in a deck, but I like it.
Posted By: themlsna (6/30/2010 4:40:33 AM)


Got mana? He ain't cheep, but he does the job he's there for. And a Heartstone or Training Grounds helps out on your medical bills.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (6/21/2010 12:57:32 AM)


I'll admit that he's more versatile than Shield of the Ages, but that's offset by the fact that he still costs a TON to use. Even with Heartstone or Training Grounds the cost is pretty high.

I would really like to see WotC come up with some kind of prevention-for-mana white abilities that don't suck. Prevent 2 for {W} maybe?

@themisna: I agree, great art. Most of Fallen Empires was rife with that kind of thing: the sort of card where you look at it and go "man, that card art is awesome. It's a shame the card itself is such crap."
Posted By: yyukichigai (7/27/2011 6:50:39 PM)


I have a question about the prevent damage ability:

It says "Prevent the next 1 damage..." (at least on the card I have, it only says "Prevent 1 damage" in the picture above). How does this exactly work? Can I pick the damage myself? And how do you determine what damage is "next"?

The problem is, that two creatures are blocking a creature I control, but one is a Stinkweed Imp (in effect Deathtouch), whose 1 damage alone, due to its special power, will kill my creature. This is the damage I want to prevent, not the damage from the other attacker, who can't kill my creature anyway.
Posted By: RasputinMRC (10/11/2011 8:33:52 AM)


Dat sci-fi art....... wat
Posted By: Goatllama (10/26/2012 9:24:02 AM)


Is it just me, or does this look like it's torn from the pages of a post-apocalyptic manga?
Posted By: Phelplan (11/22/2013 1:25:54 AM)


Even 20 years later, this is still the only card that can repeatedly prevent damage to creatures or players, without tapping or any additional costs or drawbacks.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (2/10/2014 12:42:05 AM)


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