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Community Rating: 3.817 / 5  (82 votes)
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why the soldiers live in a glass house
Posted By: Iiory (8/4/2009 8:06:32 AM)


Beautiful artwork, I really like it. But the mechanic - not so much. I prefer the painlands, they can give you one-drops.
Posted By: Rainyday2012 (7/27/2009 8:58:12 PM)


You think these should be uncommon? You know nothing, SleetFox.
Posted By: Cazaric (3/7/2014 7:20:35 PM)


@Nuclearboy91: "It's also - in my opinion - the most powerful dual land ever printed, because there is the possibility (the very high one) that this land comes into play untapped..."

Really dude? Even more powerful than an actual dual land? One that doesn't come into play tapped and counts as both basic land types? A real dual land? I understand that the price is prohibitive, and this buddy land is much cheaper, but you weren't discussing price. There is no way that buddy lands are greater in sheer power than original duals. I'm sorry, but there just isn't.

As far as the rarity, I guess it could go either way. All I know is that I would GLADLY take these as a rare. I LOVE LOVE LOVE lands. Who cares that you have some kind of crazy rare bomb creature when you cannot even play it. A solid mana base is what makes a solid deck, IMO.
Posted By: Bbone37 (3/19/2014 8:08:06 AM)


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