I'm really disappointed with what Wizards did with this card. Before you can play all the characters from the story and ones that have a lot to do with the flavor of the set without totally wrecking the game you're playing.
Wizards just made a gigantic card threw in as many keywords as they could think of and made it nearly invincible (short of some certain shenanigans with enchantments or Time Stop). After they finished making this card they figured if it ever resolved the other player was probably going to lose, so they gave it a mana cost so high that they figured it probably get much play.
That's not how cards should be designed! You look back to the Onslaught block and you see Phage, Akroma, Karona and they are all playable! You can cast them, and sure, they're powerful (excepting Karona), but the game continues. They're fun cards to play with, not just some gigantic card that you'll probably never play.
This would have been a much cooler card if it was something like thi... (see all)
Posted By:
(8/26/2010 10:20:28 AM)
@Annoyilator, having a second of any legendary creature come into play destroys the second one, not the original. Facepalm at you.
Posted By:
(4/19/2011 12:55:27 PM)
I accidently just sacrificed 6 Myr Moonvessels and blocked with Shield Dancer. EAT vs Shield, Shield Win!
Posted By:
(2/10/2011 2:27:53 PM)
@ultratog1028 - this deserves its ban. personally whenever i meet someone who is playing mill, i feel a lot of respect for them, trying a weird and wonderful way to win the game. one of these cards on the sideboard and their chances of winning have been all but destroyed... and it never has to be laid. so yeah, i hate ermakals younger brothers as well :p
if you get 15 mana, and no one else stops you + you have this guy in your hand, you DO deserve to win, and (without restateing just how devastating he is once hes in play) you'd struggle not to.
Posted By:
(3/8/2011 10:01:29 AM)
lol has anyone else noticed the wording for its take another turn ability
"When you CAST! Emrakul, take an extra turn after this one."
he doesn't even need to resolve for you to have an extra turn.
so if he is countered...such as by exiling target spell or simply time stopping your turn. but personally i'd just steal him with a Gather Specimens. you'd still get your extra turn.
Though i'm not gonna enjoy arguing with some of the more rules challenged players i know that just because it says "Protection from Coloured Spells" means i can't block it with a deadly recluse and destroy it
Posted By:
(4/16/2010 8:09:30 AM)
just yesterday i had TWO of them cast at me (consecutive turns)....but by then i had 14 creatures on the field and left the opponent at 1 life:
turns 1-3: me- nm happens, him-ramps mostly
turn 4: me- rhox pikemastar for me, him- more ramping
turn 5: me- conqueror's pledge, him- more ramping
turn 6: me- swing+flurry of wings, him- more ramping
turn 7: me- swing and leave him at 1, him- casts emarkul
turn 8 for him: casts emarkul + swings with first, i block with winged coats and sac lands
turn 9 for him: swings with second emarkul, i take it all and sac conq's soldiers
next turn: i swing ftw
Posted By:
(5/2/2010 4:57:56 PM)
Elgaud Shieldmate, then Emrakul, The Aeons Torn, B**** WHAT YOU GOING TO DO NOW?! Counterspell?! Vexing Shusher! What else?
Posted By:
(9/9/2012 2:26:31 PM)
@Eved: how did you use Journey to Nowhere on Emrakul if he has 'protection from colored spells?' It makes him immune to most removal; the only noncolored (nonsacrifice) removal I can think of off the top of my head that works is Brittle Effigy.
Posted By:
(7/19/2010 6:35:47 PM)
@ninjazilla wtf you talking about??
Posted By:
(6/5/2011 3:05:39 PM)
First! yey
plus its a heck of a good card that says, "When you cast this spell, Your opponent concedes/ You Win."
Posted By:
(4/15/2010 9:11:58 AM)