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Community Rating: 4.502 / 5  (206 votes)
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This card is sssoooooooooooooo nooby. It's got like an unblockable version of trample, so I have no respect or liking for this card. I'm sorry MTG community, this card is just too good. It's starting to become the next Lightsteel Colosseus.
Posted By: deadeye1387 (8/13/2011 4:02:04 PM)


One of the most amusing art I've ever seen!

Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly are Myr?

To me they are like artifact goblins X)
Posted By: Ipsilont (2/10/2012 7:34:12 PM)


I was playing in my school Magic club today with my (Standard Legal) Myr deck. I got this out on turn 4 with a Gold Myr and a Palladium Myr. They had no creatures out, and when the brought one out the next turn, I Arrested it. 6 Myr's tapped and the direct damage brought them from 19 to 3 health in one turn. When they killed it on the next turn, I played my Razor Hippogriff. Myr decks FTW.
Posted By: darkrai88 (11/2/2010 7:38:00 PM)


It's not legendary because....
Posted By: divine_exodus (11/9/2010 7:22:28 PM)


Too Bad This Thing Dies To Removal!
Posted By: MasterOfEfherium (4/24/2011 4:37:03 PM)


0.5 because it is so lame, sits in any deck, tactic-less, prone to confusion and yawn-combos. Worse for the game than Baneslayers. I don't really enjoy playing Myr anyway, and because it bugged me that
I wouldn't play my best card when it would benefit just about any deck I just tore it and half and ditched it.
Posted By: Vishlord (1/23/2012 4:23:17 PM)


This + 2x Myr Galvanizer + Any Myr that can be tapped for mana = Unlimited Damage
Posted By: Zarasel (1/29/2011 2:22:45 PM)


It seems like a good card, but it's only really profitable if the myr have an attack of 1 or less. The myr only add 1 attack to the sphere each, whereas if they have an attack of 2 or higher, they will do more damage attacking directly.
For example, If I have an Iron myr and a darksteel myr, The Iron Myr will do 1 damage by itself, and have 1 defense, or it can add 1 damage to the sphere, and have 7 defense. So it doesn't make a difference unless your opponent has a creature that can block and kill it. The darksteel myr, however, does 0 damage, but will add 1 damage to the sphere. In this case, it is profitable to use the sphere.
Once you throw in a couple Myr Galvanizers or Matrices, the +1/+1 buffs will outweigh the benefits of the sphere. you can deal 3 damage with the myr, or add 1 to the sphere. In this case, you should only use the sphere if you opponent has a very high-powered creature that could kill the myr.
Posted By: funkmasta1805 (1/31/2011 6:06:09 PM)


You can just use the infinite mana trick and deal infinite direct damage to the enemy by untapping and tapping the myr tokens :D!
Posted By: Kanacho (3/26/2011 6:40:33 PM)



Actually, the smash face with myrball is more stable. WIth the right suppost, it's generally a GG in myr tribal. Whereas infinite combo takes to many cards to be ideally stable.
Posted By: Doom_Lich (9/24/2010 7:03:12 AM)


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