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Posted By: Nazgul-Pookyrune (11/24/2012 4:32:28 PM)


I run these in a R/B Undying deck. Does WORK it tell ya. Once your undying creatures have counters you can make em bigger and bigger.
Posted By: Smoke_Stack (2/28/2013 1:38:15 PM)


When Shrine of Burning Rage and Stromkirk Noble were what Standard Burn was made of, this could be better than Brimstone Volley.

But that was a year ago...
Posted By: Ferlord (6/17/2013 7:56:28 AM)


I built a R/B aggro deck around Unleash and Bloodthirst with this and Grim Affliction.
This thing could peg someone for 3 while winning combats or increasing my attack; Typically it meant that the opponent went from taking 4 to an opponent taking 9.

Even better, it works as removal so you can kill one of your threats while buffing your attackers to survive close calls in blocks; favorable trades or combats on top of removal + loads of extra damage made this card the real all star of the deck.
Posted By: blurrymadness (9/17/2013 8:46:58 PM)


Or turn 1 mountain, rift bolt, or even a creature like rakdos cackler
turn 2 hit the opponent, swamp, bloodchief ascension, shock on their turn
turn 3 land, volt charge an opponent's creature and proliferate, which causes the creature to die after the third counter is placed on it
Posted By: umeboshi110 (12/11/2013 1:32:08 PM)


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