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Community Rating: 3.852 / 5  (142 votes)
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Strictly better than Flying Men! Poor Flying Men...

Also, I love the flavor text reference to the Iquati, the same race/group/who knows referenced in the flavor text of Narcomoeba.
Posted By: CardboardElemental (8/13/2012 6:54:48 AM)


Ok. Werebear cost 1Green, was originally a 1/1, Llanowar tapping instead of Flying, and it could become a 4/4 if you have 7+ cards in your grave.

This has reverse Threshold (sometimes easier than normal threshold (see Glimpse the Unthinkable for easy way to mill 10)), is in a worse creature-based colour, has flying, is cheaper, and gets more power/toughness.

Please remind me why this isn't 4.5 stars.
Posted By: Ferlord (12/12/2012 2:30:06 PM)


I tend to use this more as a blocker than a finisher for mill. Maybe as another wincon, but mostly as deterrent.
Posted By: ThisisSakon (7/5/2012 7:41:03 PM)


This is going to be a thing. Amazing with Trepanation Blade and Thought Scour in addition to Jace, Memory Adept himself.
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (7/5/2012 8:33:20 PM)


a one-drop 5/5 in EDH with evasion. Possibly worth considering for both early and late game, especially if you just did a hard reset on the board, lands included.
Posted By: jsttu (7/6/2012 3:53:50 AM)


Stupidly, stupidly powerful. Basically a 5/5 for Blue. No deck that uses this will have it any other way. Even if it were just +1/+1 it'd be powerful, this is just STUPID.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (9/16/2012 1:17:44 PM)


This is the ultimate creature for a mill deck. I am a pro and will probably build a mill deck around this card soon.
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/3/2012 3:38:58 AM)


@DarthParallax Excuse me? Glimpse the Unthinkable needs to be reprinted, so shut up. The damn card is so overpriced right now, it's not even funny. And what better set to do so than RTR?

As for this card; wow, this thing is amazing, and you don't even need to run a focused mill deck to trigger its ability.
Posted By: Blackworm_Bloodworm (8/25/2012 6:17:20 PM)


EDIT: ok, so far this hasn't done anything broken with Delver of Secrets like make 'Mono Blue Zoo' a thing. I overreacted.

Yes, I want Glimpse Reprinted too- but I don't think that Wizards wants a Mill Deck in Standard that works as fast as a Burn Deck in Legacy, so, looking at the cards they've made, it doesn't look like they'd add Glimpse to that. Which is a SHAME. I'd rather just have Glimpse back then have Mind Sculpt be a little too good with Glimpse. But that's what I think we're looking at.

On a side note:

20x Island

4x Jace's Phantasm
4x Jace's Ingenuity
4x Jace's Erasure
4x Jace's Archivist
4x Jace's Counterspell
4x Jace's Fact or Fiction
4x Jace's Mind Sculpt

4x Jace Beleren
4x Jace, Memory Adept
4x Jace, the Mind Sculptor

is currently a legal list in Vintage and Legacy. I would be greatly entertained if... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/28/2012 10:38:55 AM)


How could this card even have 3 1/2 stars, it's one of the best cards in the whole M13 set, mythic rares included. First turn, this; second turn, two Tome Scour's, I get that combo in the first hand almost every time, this card is a beast.
Posted By: OMG_A_Fox (9/18/2012 9:43:32 PM)


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