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Community Rating: 4.113 / 5  (177 votes)
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When you tap this card and create X 1/1 goblins, can you on your NEXT turn, do it again taking into account the goblins you created on the previous turn? If so It would seem that in no time at all, you could have an entire ARMY of goblins that would be darn near unstoppable. (which would make sense why they call this deck "MOB rule" ) Or can you only create goblins with him one time?
Posted By: Ying (7/29/2012 9:36:11 PM)


Yes, you can do it the turn after you summon him (if he doesn't have haste) and the turn after that too. And all turns after that, as long as he's on the battlefield and you're able to tap him. If it were a one-time thing, it would be worded similar to Chancellor of the Forge. And that's why this guy's rated 4.4.
Posted By: FatalEagle (7/30/2012 1:20:54 PM)


As a Goblin deck builder, finding this card was AWESOME! Using this card in conjunction with Arms Dealer, Bloodmark Mentor, Goblin King & Moggcatcher has pretty much made my deck unbeatable. Not saying there aren't better decks, but I have yet to come across one locally :D
Posted By: Goblin_Gurl (8/1/2012 7:39:08 PM)


dueled my friend David yesterday and his Exaulted deck. i made 86 goblin tokens, had 7 or 8 mana on the field, and had an arms dealer. well, you can guess what happened next.
Posted By: LunchPossum227 (8/26/2012 9:45:45 AM)


This guy definitely earns the title of boss. He can make games get out of control very fast.
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/3/2012 4:12:38 AM)


I've used Sublime Archangel in my angels/goblins deck, in conjunction with Krenko, Mob Boss and Akroma's Memorial. There's something to be said about having 50+ Goblins on the board, all with flying, first strike, vigilance, haste, trample and protection from red and black. Combine that with all my creatures being exalted, attack with one goblin = at least +50/+50. My death by ant bite, goblins attack has become a one strike devastating attack.

Posted By: runebloodshard (9/9/2012 6:27:05 AM)


1st turn Goblin Arsonist, 2nd turn Krenko's Command, 3rd turn Fervor, 4th turn Krenko, Mob Boss, 5th turn Battle Hymn and Moonveil Dragon.
Attack with an 11-1 Arsonist, and 10x 11-1 goblin tokens.
Alternatively throw a Ring of Valkas on a Kruin Striker and watch people's eyes flick between Kruin and Krenko.
Posted By: Odee (9/16/2012 9:10:02 PM)


This card is awesome. Combos well with Cathar's Crusade
Posted By: AnonymousPerson (9/29/2012 5:06:54 PM)


Use him as a commander.
1T: 1drop gobbo
2T: 2 1drop gobbos
3T: goblin chieftain (you know what's about to happen)
4T: krenko, tap for 5 gobbos, 9 2/2 goblins running in
5T: tap for 10 gobbos, 19 2/2 goblins running in (game!)
There's a reason why he's called a BOSS!

And yes, I've done this.
Posted By: sogeking27 (10/3/2012 1:19:08 AM)


Love the moment when i put Lightning Greaves on freshly summoned Krenko and then look at the faces of my mates.
Posted By: FrankieGeah (10/5/2012 3:33:21 AM)


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