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Community Rating: 4.009 / 5  (57 votes)
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Radiate. For each possible target it is copied and 2 effects are selected.
Each player loses X life.
Each creature gets -X/-X.
For each of those targets you may return a creature with converted manna cost X or less From your graveyard to the battlefield.
Resolve copies on your creatures first then bring them back. The first creature isn't cause it hasn't hit the grave yet but when you lose the life he comes back.
Then kill opponents creatures and bring back another of yours. Then your opponent takes the life hit.
With Deathgreeter in play you gain 1 life for each creature that died except him. If you had creatures that are vengeful when they die they go off and when they come back even more activated abilities. And that is for a board wipe. That is how you go black and never go black.
Wrath of Rakdos
Discard Profane Command and Radiate: Exile the will to live from each opponent.
Johnny eat your heart out.
P.S. works because you are only ... (see all)
Posted By: XaiviarNightwing (3/22/2013 8:55:53 AM)


One of the three unbelievably powerful commands:
Cryptic Command - probably the best for any control deck.
Profane Command - great for any graveyard-based deck, a great finisher and removal when you need it.
Primal Command - decent lifegain in a desperate situation, creature tutoring and removal when you need it.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (5/21/2013 3:45:23 AM)


This card is your typical example of something awesome.

Choose 2 from 4, that's 6 different options right there, PLUS there's an X. Suffice to say, this card is a toolbox.
Posted By: TheKazu (1/4/2014 9:12:54 AM)


The flexibility of this card makes it the best command for EDH (assuming you can run black), which is quite impressive considering how good Cryptic command is. 3 abilities that are always going to be useful and one that works well in a pinch. Unfortunately, but understandably, not an instant.

This is a powerful card that isn't blatantly, "you effing idiot, pick me" powerful (which is quite ironically a profane command). The art and flavor are sexy as well. 4/5
Posted By: Drewskithelegend (5/13/2014 10:58:52 AM)


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