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Community Rating: 4.025 / 5  (200 votes)
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Incredible card. A deck built around this would be weak to tokens, but black has very good ways of dealing with tokens (Mutilate, Cower in Fear). It might also be weak to aggro, since they can deactivate him as a blocker, but they're not likely to overrun you with one less creature. This card will win all sorts of limited games, and it will see play in Standard.
Posted By: Vandarringa (9/28/2012 9:01:32 AM)


It's good, especially if your deck has something to do with sacrificing stuff.
Posted By: pedrodyl (9/28/2012 9:24:54 AM)


Wait wait, people are saying this card is bad? I don't even...
Posted By: YellowWalker (9/28/2012 10:57:38 AM)


This is a great Demon, with not much as a drawback. 6/6 Flying for 4 is a great deal. Token decks would probably be his main problem.
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (9/29/2012 7:45:42 AM)


Its 6 to the face or activate morbid... both options hurt.

4.5/5 for being a 4cmc stress engine.
Posted By: accsavious (9/30/2012 12:21:54 AM)


Combo with Disciple of Bolas. Oh, you'll tap him down with your infinite gravecrawler recursion? OK, once on your turn after i cast him so he can't block and once before my next combat? I'll settle for 8 life and 8 cards on turn 5.
Posted By: g00dness (9/30/2012 9:15:59 AM)


He is extremely good-- his downside is not nearly as much of an issue as you might think, and moreover, the +1/+1 counter is far more relevant than it might appear at first blush. Without the +1/+1 counter, its at least viable for your opponent to stall by saccing little creatures before eventually dropping something huge that can block this guy. But the steady accumulation of +1/+1 counters makes that almost impossible. This creature comes out pretty early and positively demands removal, which is a sure sign of a good card.
Posted By: Augustin_V (9/30/2012 4:39:56 PM)


This card is crazy in Limited. Every turn the situation just gets worse for your opponent. "Do I take 6 to the dome or do I lose a creature AND risk taking even more damage next turn?"
I always loved the "pick your poison" mechanic in Black, and this card is a nice addition to the mechanic.
Posted By: GruesomeGoo (10/1/2012 12:11:28 PM)


I pulled one of these during prerelease, and of course, I happen to go up against 3 different Selesnia decks.
Posted By: Toquinha1977 (10/1/2012 12:31:13 PM)


Maybe I should have clicked the Display Rulings tab under Sigarda, Host of Herons:

"As a spell or ability an opponent controls resolves, if it would force you to sacrifice a permanent, you just don't. That part of the effect does nothing. If that spell or ability gives you the option to sacrifice a permanent (as Brain Gorger's ability does), you can't take that option."

I thought I was right and the judge and opponent wrong, but what can you do?
Posted By: DaShiznit (10/1/2012 10:02:41 PM)


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